IB students, how well did IB prepare you for college?

Like how was the transition from senior year in HS to freshman year in college? Was it adjustable? Did College feel like an extension of IB?

Honestly most of the IB kids at my son’s high school were already the dedicated, studious, academic types and so were successful in the IB program from the start. He has said college was much easier because he had more control over his schedule whereas in high school he was overloaded trying to cram in required classes and load up on CAS hours and no one cares how tough it is, especially when you have the TOK and Extended Essay due senior year.

He is very proud of that IB diploma though and somehow found an IB kid from Texas as a roommate - they have great late night debate/discussions.

A lot. Honestly I knew so much more than my non-IB friends. I knew how to write a proper lab write up as well as how to write a research paper, both of which no professor taught us in college. Like threeofthree said, I also had a great grip on time management!

My daughter will be at GW in the fall so she’s just starting. When she read this article she thought the author hit the nail on the head:
