<p>For Integrative Bio:</p>
<p>What upper division labs have people taken and how were they? I'm trying to figure out which two I should take the lab for to fulfill the requirement.</p>
<p>Interesting? Hard? Easy? Good professor?</p>
<p>131L? 132L? 117L? 123AL? 127L? 135L?</p>
<p>Any input would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>131L is hard, and hard to get into</p>
<p>132L is very hard to get into
123AL and 127L have 132L as a pre-req. Also they are each taught by one of the professors who teaches 132/L so my guess is that they build off of 132L.</p>
<p>135L isn’t offered all the time and it is a 4 unit lab, you have to take the 4 unit lecture first to get into it.</p>
<p>look at the campusbuddy for the grade distributions</p>
<p>thanks a lot for the info, hominid! really appreciated. that isn’t the first time i’ve heard 131L is hard. how bad is it really? how much time would you say it adds on top of the lecture?</p>
<p>also, what have you heard about 132L’s difficulty?</p>
<p>may i ask which you have taken/plan to take?</p>