IBEA cohort

I’m applying for the IBEA cohort and I’ve seen mixed comments about its selectivity. I have a 30 act, 4.0 gpa, and a lot of background that connects to the program because I lived in singapore for a few years. Does this sound like reasonable criteria for getting in?

Certainly your material qualifications are excellent and you should be congratulated, but I believe there are a number of factors. I don’t think they are looking at anything specific to eliminate someone, and I expect they are looking at intangibles as much as anything. It is not just good grades and ACTs, but how might you respond in an uprooted situation and do they think your personality is suitable for what is required. This is not easily measurable nor easily determined. If you are interested, apply and see what happens.

The IBEA Cohort is an amazing program. The chance to work with PWC, etc, not just in an internship, but actually do projects - all over the world, and learn 3 languages - is incredible. They want people who are able to adapt to a lot of new situations, and who enjoy working hard. And that don’t mind not having a typical college experience.