<p>As the Ithaca acceptances start coming in, I thought I would post a blurb on ICLC, as it was a contributing factor to my daughter’s decision to attend Ithaca for MT. To my knowledge Ithaca is one of the few MT programs that actually have a semester abroad built into their BFA curriculum…spring semester of junior year for MTs (fall semester for BFA Acting, although they have a program in St Petersburg Russia as well). Anyway, my D is currently in London with her other 11 fellow IC MTs and she is having the time of her life. This program truly offers the education and travel opportunity of a lifetime, I feel, and as evidenced by her incredible experiences thus far (required West End shows twice weekly and three-day weekends allowing travel not only in England but to Germany, Italy, Spain and the like), I know she feels this is an extra bonus in the plus column of the decision ledger that has really come to fruition ten-fold from when she was weighing Ithaca’s acceptance against other schools’ three years ago. Ithaca has its own London Center staff with its own building right there in Kensington area of London. D is taking stage combat course, acting styles course, private voice lesson, interrelationships course and loves living in her flat with three other MT flatmates. The tuition is billed at the same amount as normal semester at IC, although the cost of living is somewhat higher (but still a favorable pound to dollar rate at this writing!). They also have a 10-day spring break built into the program in early March. It really is something special. Something to consider for sure.</p>
<p>Sounds wonderful! Thank you for sharing, nobusiness. Does everyone who WANTS to attend this semester get to go, or are the numbers limited?</p>
<p>This opportunity is certainly going to be in our “pro” column if my son is admitted, especially since my son’s best friend will be attending college in Scotland.</p>
<p>When my D toured Ithaca any of the MTs that wanted to go could and according to our guide most do</p>
<p>Monkey13, there is an official ICLC application process which takes place early in the semester prior to going (so fall of junior year for MTers)…as long as you’re in good academic standing and dot the i’s and cross the t’s you are accepted…and most do go…100% of my daughter’s class, which just adds to the already extremely tight bond!
Best of luck to your daughter in the coming months!</p>