Ideas for college freshman interested in premed.

<p>D wants to become a doctor now, will major in some subject like Environmental Science, etc. and take the courses needed. Plans to study abroad also. She will have an internship freshman year in environmental field and just shadowed a doctor a local hospital. With going abroad, etc. does anyone have some info on summer internships as freshman that may be good. Also, any ideas on summer courses that may help a student get ahead. Haven't had chance to do much research and no one in family is a doctor.</p>

<p>I took physics over the summer. Allowed me to get all my premed courses done by sophomore year and took mcat at the end of summer after. If you she wants to go a year abroad that could be an option.</p>

<p>Good idea…will have to look into it. her college has different physics for student in premed than engineering (thought about doing engineering/envir)…so it may depend. I think premed physics is easier from what I was told.</p>

<p>She is thinking 5 yrs. maybe wait to take the MCAT senior year…with being away most of sophomore year, she may need to do some junior year (org chemistry?).</p>