Ideas for Early Application?

<p>Hello all, I just recieved my AP scores from May so I thought I would update my profile and ask for any opinions regarding where I should apply early. My ideal major would be financial engineering but if it isn't offered as an undergrad, I will probably get a BS in regular engineering instead, then pursue a MFE or MBA.</p>

<p>SAT I: None
SAT II: Math 2(800), Physics(800), Chemistry(780), US history(750)
ACT: 33 w/ 10 essay
GPA: 4.0 unweighted (all A's)
Rank: 3/700</p>

<p>APs: Human Geo, Euro history, US history, Chemistry, Calc BC, Environmental, English Language, Physics, Comp Sci.(All 5's except APCS, which was a 4)</p>

<p>Senior classes: AP Art history, AP Econ, AP gov, AP Bio, Ap lit, Calculus D/ diff equations, self study Physics C</p>

<p>Science Olympiad(Pres) ( 4 years)
Chem olympiad(pres) (3 years)
Physics club(pres and founder) (2 years)
JSA (pres) (4 years)
NHS (treasurer) (2 years)
Interact(Fundraising chair)(4 years)
Mock Trial( 2 years)
Solar cup (1 year)
CSF (4 years)
JV soccer ( 2 years)
club soccer (captain)</p>

<p>~100 community service hours</p>

Soccer referee (2 years, unpaid)
<strong><em>Lab intern @ Caltech (6 weeks this summer and I have to live on my own)</em></strong></p>

SciOly: 5 total medals, including 1st place in chem lab
ChemOly: 13th in Southern California
Voted most academic in AP English Language
Awarded best student in both Science and Social Studies departments this year.
honor roll all years
Honor guard
??? Expecting to get National AP scholar ???</p>

<p>White Male in California
Foreign languages: Spanish (3 years), Romanian (spoken at home)
Hooks: Closest is single mother or my dual citizenship
Income: ~60k
Public school, usually the top 15 every year go to berkeley/LA, a few to ivies</p>

<p>Applying to:
most ivies
Stanford, MIT, Hopkins, UChicago, UCB, Carnegie mellon, UCLA</p>

<p>My #1 choice for Early Application so far is Princeton, due mainly to their Financial Engineering undergrad. But if you feel as if early applying there won't make a difference for me, please feel free to suggest other schools where applying early will be more advantageous. Also, I'd appreciate it if you would predict my chances at the other schools I'm applying to RD.
Thanks a ton to everyone and if you have any questions, please let me know.</p>

<p>You have good ECs and scores but sadly everyone applying over there does too.
Write good essays and show them why you would be good for their school…as for ED I think you should apply to you top choice…but do not get your hopes up.</p>

<p>Chance back:
<a href=“Chance an International! will do the same back - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Everything about you is spectacular! Best of luck…you check all of the boxes…test scores, gpa, ec’s…etc.</p>