Ideas for Small Colleges to Consider

Just west of the Mississippi-Central College-Pella, IA.

I think Washington college in Chestertown, MD fits almost all of your boxes. Happy to answer questions as I have a child there currently.

Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin - check it out!! This is a WAY under-rated school, super-friendly vibe, excellent education. Has Intl Relations, Global Studies, etc… Also in Colleges that Change Lives. And recently moved to almost 100% of need met for financial aid.



Thanks for all of the fantastic ideas! We are currently trying to plan a spring break trip to look at some of these places as many are located a good distance away from home. We have recently visited Wofford and Furman, but many options require more travel.

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What did you think of Furman and Wofford?

While it’s secular, Furman is religious - in fact it’s credo is Christo et Doctrinae (For Christ and Learning. Are you seeking a religious school? I believe Wofford is too.

Both are definitely on the conservative side.

If he wants a school that leans left - at least for direction, check out Niche . com - + most liberal colleges. You can’t put the link here.

How about UNC-A

Beloit, Wooster, Bryant, Connecticut College

Good luck.

Loved the facilities at both schools, but not sure the social scene would work at either place. Both were an easy drive from home, so that’s why we visited.

Definitely look at Earlham. They have some very interesting and different ways for students to engage internationally coupled with language.

So many of the others here are great options as well. Lots of flavors to choose from!


Seconding Dickinson (high match/reach depending on rigor&actual grades), Denison (same), Wooster, Goucher, Earlham, Beloit, Centre, Lawence, Arcadia.
Look into St Olaf - slightly bigger (3,200) than what you listed and literally 1 mile West of the Mississippi but still worth checking out - Study Abroad is very popular and encouraged both during their January Term and during the regular semester, with multi-country options, major-specific options, language options… in cute college town, 45mn South of the Twin Cities.


Every college is different. It’s in finding the idiosyncrasies that can make all the difference. To this day, my daughter talks about the 6-credit summer institute after sophomore year touring Western Europe to study its art & architecture as the defining experience of her college education which led to her choice of major. Here are 4 small colleges which each offer something unique and interesting fir an A-B student who is interested in languages, international relations, and culture. All have intramural socce.

Oberlin College offers study of 10 foreign languages. What makes them interesting is the majors which can be combined with foreign language to take you some place else. For example, they offer Book Studies as a major. This is the study of What Is a Book? It gives all the way back to cuneiform tablets up through ancient manuscripts to the printing press and now electronic publication. They offer a major in Literary Translation, which is a whole art form in and of itself. All we have to do to know the value of this Is to read a choppy google translation. Oberlin also offers a major in Linguistics. Oberlin is well known for being to the left politically, back to the days when they were a stop on the Underground Railroad. Oberlin dies not have fraternities or sororities.

Union College can be particularly interesting for a student who wants to combine interests in foreign language and international relations. Their term in Washington brings students to DC where they do a 30 hour per week internship while taking 2 academic courses. They offer a number of other related internships in state government at the legislature in the nearby NY State Capital and in other state agencies. This is all due to their emphasis on experiential learning. They have a specific advising program for students interested in careers in Government & International Relations helping them to plan course election and choice of majors or dual majors which align with their individual interests. They offer study in 8 foreign languages. They also have club soccer as well as intramural soccer. About 25-30% of Union students are in a fraternity or sorority.

Like Union, Gettysburg College offers interesting programs for students interested in foreign language & international relations. The presence of the Eisenhower Institute on campus makes Gettysburg a different place for the study of public policy. They bring speakers and panel discussions, offer special programs both locally and abroad, and offer academic programs including both summer and year long fellowships. Eisenhower also has an office in DC, only an hour and a half drive from campus. Their are additional Institute programs in Washington which students can also take advantage of. Gettysburg offer study in 8 foreign languages. About a third of Gettysburg students are in a fraternity or sorority.

Connecticut College is in New London, CT and sits across the street from the Coast Guard Academy. They offer study in 11 different foreign languages and have club soccer in addition to intramurals. What makes them particularly interesting is that they reorganized their entire curriculum a few years ago to make everything integrated around an individual student’s interestes. They call their curriculum program Connections and the individual focus Pathways. This is particularly useful for a student interested in languages, international relations, and culture because that’s what he’ll study at Conn College; he won’t have to choose. Instead he will integrate all 3 around a common theme. Conn College dies not have fraternities or sororities.

I am familiar with all 4 of these colleges. There have been many other great suggestions in this thread. I encourage you to look into what are the unique offerings of each college to determine which ones might be a good fit your son. Enjoy your search!


Thanks so much for the thoughtful reply. We have a number of college visits scheduled for the next few months and are looking forward to the experience.

You’re welcome. Enjoy the visits. I’d love to hear how they go. :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow, this was extremely helpful. Thank you so much!

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