Ideas for starting a club

<p>The college I'm going to has a really intuitive chartering process for new student organizations... funding is available and as long as you have 12 people and good idea, you're golden.</p>

<p>I'd like to start a club of some sort as a freshman because I think it would be great to get leadership experience, and also because I think it would be a boon socially.</p>

<p>Do you guys have any creative/original/really cool clubs at your schools? Is there any kind of club that you think every school should have, but not every school does? My school has the basic activity clubs (a lot of academic subject-related ones, as well as club sports), but not a lot of variety. I'm going to an LAC (4000 ish people)</p>

<p>I realize that I should probably look within myself for ideas, but I need a little inspiration as well. </p>

<p>What are some of the best clubs that people tend to flock to and have fun at, besides the basic ones most schools already have?</p>

<p>i recommend you start a club if there is something you like and that niche is not yet filled. I recommend you do not start a club to build your “leadership” ability.</p>

<p>Russian Club!</p>

<p>The Pyramid Club Leader Club.</p>

<p>Each member must start another club with 12 members where every member of their club must start a club with 12 members etc.</p>

<p>LOL chuy :D</p>

<p>good idea. I’d deplete the funding pool.</p>

<p>Unfortunately any more unique club is more unique because it requires a special knowledge/skills.
I love the belly dancing club I just joined.</p>

<p>we have a philosophy club, skeptic club and game show appreciation club.</p>

<p>I know a guy who started a club in my school. It seemed to me that he did it for the same reasons you wanted to. It’s the Entrepreneurial Society. I went to the opening event and was quite impressed. He got his frat and a lot of his friends to come. I’d say there were 100+ people there.</p>

<p>Start a hedge fund/investing club.</p>

<p>swingers club, go to a different swing set everytime and test that bad boy out</p>

<p>you have to make sure your club is interesting but not so obscure nobody comes. i tried to start a nethack club my frosh year and the only people who showed up were me, my best friend, and a creepy grad student.</p>

<p>Science club all the way w00t! Book club!</p>