Identifying Possible Schools

<p>I am currently a junior in high school and am beginning the college identification process. I was wondering based off of my stats what would be good safety/match/reach schools. Some of the schools ive looked at are northeastern, umaimi, bates, colgate, bucknell, bc, notre dame, uva, and stanford (double legacy).</p>

4.25 career gpa in top public high school in RI
Treasurer of class council
Editor in chief or school newspaper
Founder a club called student voices to work on teacher to student relations in school
3 years varsity basketball and team captian
3 years varsity soccer (2009 state champions)
National honors society
Decent community service</p>

<p>30 on ACTs first time (have improved since and predict 32/33 next time)</p>

<p>Id appreciate all help!!</p>

<p>Well…good luck bringing your ACT up. :slight_smile: That will help with acceptances at top schools like Stanford.</p>

<p>Is money no object? If it will be a concern, then you need a strategy to get your costs covered either thru aid or scholarships.</p>

<p>How much will your parents contribute each year?</p>

<p>No money will not be a concern for me i will be able to pay full tuition if necessary although i do plan on applying for some scholarships</p>

<p>Holy Cross, Fordham and Richmond.</p>

<p>I absolutely plan to apply to Stanford but its just so competitive its hard to get any feel for the chances at a school like that. Will having two B’s although they are in AP Bio and Honors Calc hurt me to much to still contend for Cornell, Georgetown, Vandy</p>

<p>And anyone got any word on Colgate, Bates, and Bucknell</p>

<p>Does your school have a copy of the Fiske Guide to Colleges? We found that really helpful. They give you a description of each school, including statistics like what % of applicants are admitted, and what the 25th percentile and 75th percentile for standardized test scores is (you have a much better chance at colleges where you are near/over the top of the range). But the nice thing is that it tells you what other schools are sort of similar–other schools that applicants to that school also apply to. So if you start with one that appeals to you, you can browse through using their “overlaps with…” list of schools.</p>

<p>yeah I used a similar program to find some of these schools but its hard when you can only look at test scores and GPA’s cause schools take so much more into account when accepting students so i was hoping someone could let me know how my ECs will stack up and stuff like that</p>

<p>Do you have any idea of what you’re looking for? Your list is ranging all OVER the place right now, and there’s not much in common between a lot of them. Some are tiny, cold, and rural (Colgate); others are large, warm, and urban (Miami).</p>

<p>Your stats are only a small part of this equation. There are hundreds of colleges that would admit you.</p>

<p>At the very least, tell us:
[ul][<em>]Public or private
[</em>]Small, medium, or large
[li]Isolated, rural, suburban, or urban[/ul]</p>[/li]
<p>That said, Rice and perhaps Emory come to mind since you like Stanford.</p>

<p>no i understand but these are the schools that seem to have the mix of academics, social life, and athletics (both varsity and intramural) that im looking for. Could anybody possibly just break it down and let me know of the schools listed what are reaches, high matches, matches, and safeties. All help is appreciated!!!</p>

<p>You can google to find each school’s “common data set” and check sections C9 to C12 for the stats of the last matriculating class. You might have very roughly a 50/50 chance of admission based on stats alone at a selective school where your numbers are around the 67th percentile (because of how yields work), but beware that stats can count as low as 20% of criteria at some schools.</p>

<p>Knowing your interests really could help!</p>

<p>No one can give you chances that are realistic. It is something that you just have to go for. Build a good list, reach-match-safety, then come back later and tell us what your chances were.</p>

<p>You only give weighted gpa which is not too indicative. Some schools will weight your gpa based on their own rubric. Schools look at UW gpa, and they look at rigour of coursework, especially as compared with the offerings at your school and what your peers have available.</p>

<p>They will also look at your scores on SAT or ACT, your essay, your LOR. Very nice Ec’s but nothing jaw dropping.</p>

<p>I’ll take a crack at it:
High Match: Notre Dame, Virginia (out of state)
Match:BC, Bates, Bucknell, Colgate
Safety: Northeastern, Miami</p>