IDP, acceptance, attending

<p>From these few threads here, it’s clear that the IDP prospective students <strong>may</strong> have an edge.</p>

<p>No surprise…Bard is looking for motivated students, and you can clearly show motivation by reading Galileo and Plato, participating in a Bard professor-led seminar, and going for an interview in a day-long extravaganza.</p>

<p>Will you attend?</p>

<p>I’m thrilled with the place. The immersion of the faculty/staff in the students’ quest for knowledge is unsurpassed, IMHO.</p>

<p>Bard is definitely my son’s first choice, and he got in idp, and I think you are right, they say that IDP gets a 60% acceptance rate, while the general rate is closer to 25%; the only thing we are thinking about is some financial aid considerations… so we might not tell them until we find that out…our family works in the public non profit sector so we are not monied people, even if we are breaking the bank to send my son to public school…movoren.</p>

<p>i meant private school, sorry</p>

<p>same…i dunno if i’m going until i find out my financial aid.
definitely my #1 choice though!!!</p>

<p>The more I read & learn about Bard, the more impressed I am. The President, the professors, the courses, the requirements, and its unique programs…everything from the 3-week freshman orientation (L & T) to the first-year seminar to the senior thesis.</p>

<p>It’s funny — the reaction I get from people when I tell them my daughter will attend this fall. They either squint their eyes and say “do you mean_____ (fill in some other school name)?” Or their eyes widen and jaws drop and they begin talking about all <em>they’ve</em> heard about Bard and how impressed <em>they</em> are.</p>


<p>Congrats, Ackpoor!</p>

<p>You should all come. Happy to answer any questions you might have, by pm or forum, whatever you prefer.</p>

<p>I wanted to do IDP but I didn’t have time. If I was going to do it I really wanted to be prepared.</p>

<p>Accepted, but I haven’t decided yet. It’s such a great option to have, though. So relieved I got in!</p>

<p>I got in too but I don’t know whether I’ll attend yet. </p>

<p>really recommend the experience to anyone considering it.</p>

<p>anyone else that did it Nov. 8?</p>

<p>i got in idp, but it’s like…my second to last choice. don’t get me wrong, i love bard, i love allll the schools i’m applying to. but i have a few other choices that i would rather go to. IF i get in, that is…lolol</p>


Let me guess, does one of them start with WES? :slight_smile:
Wesleyan was my D’s second choice. We visited and it was okay, until she visited Bard. She’s glad she chose Bard. Both are great schools.</p>

<p>Wes is a great place, no doubt. It would be wonderful for S. But for D? No way. It’s Bard all the way.</p>

<p>It’s what’s known as a “good fit”. Not sure who coined the phrase (Proud Dad???) but its meaning is so clear to me.</p>

<p>hahah awwww, yes, wesleyan is my first choice! how did you guess…hahaha. no, but bard IS amazing. I love it. I just love wesleyan a little more. :)</p>

<p>your situation is pretty similar to mine, wesgirl.</p>

<p>Wait, did anyone on this thread not get accepted IDP?</p>

<p>^^ I don’t think so ^^</p>

<p>But I’m looking over some of the other high-level school threads, and even most of the Ivy EDs were accepted. At Barnard, all were accepted.</p>

<p>That’s why some use it as a strategy, much to my chagrin. I’ve discussed this with Admissions Counselors at Bard — I feel IDP should be binding.</p>

Wait, did anyone on this thread not get accepted IDP?


<p>Would you post it here if you didn’t get in? ;)</p>