If a friend is Born and Raised in egypt, is he African American?

<p>I know a girl from my school who graduated about two years ago who was half-egyptian... she was valedictorian, and she applied for stanford and marked herself as "african-american" She got in, but then again, even if she wasn't marked as a URM, everybody was sure she'd get in.</p>

<p>The funny thing was that she was blonde and fair skinned, too. Just my two cents.</p>

<p>Agreed with Effulgent in response to Chriscap's comment - "Hispanic" is not a racial category, it's an enthic category. For many years, Spaniards, Africans, and Natives were all living in Latin America. Some of their descendants are of mixed heritage, others aren't. Those whose families have lived in Latin America for generations but trace their ancestry to Spain are no less Hispanic than all-black or all-native people from the area, or people whose backgrounds include more than one of those groups.</p>

<p>As for whether your friend is African-American, no, I don't think that's what they mean. However, if she were to check the box and write in "Egyptian" next to it, I think that would be more widely acceptable.</p>

<p>“Charlize isn't black, but she's African American. Sure, it does. Charlize isn't black, but she's African American. African American doesn't mean "black." There are A LOT of other people in Africa who aren't black, you know. If she isn't African--since she IS from Africa, no matter what part--then what is she?"</p>

<p>“Black or African American."</p>

<p>"A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "Black, African Am., or Negro," or provide written entries such as African American, Afro American, Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian."</p>

<p>-This is how the US Censes Bureau defines the term. However, I’m sure you know more than the US Government….. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>People from Egypt are more Muslim than anything.</p>

<p>Tell the guy from Egypt to identify himself as "Hispanic" and then watch as the whole silly system implodes.</p>

<p>I guess its a question of what he considers himself, but in terms of government statistics and the US Census, he would be considered white - here are the definitions used for the 2000 US Census:[ul]
[<em>]"The term White refers to people having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa." It includes people who indicated their race or races as "white" or wrote in entries such as Argentine, Chilean, Irish, German, Russian, Italian, Israeli, Syrian, Lebanese, Iraqi, Polish, Spanish, or Uruguayan. (See also White (people), and White American.)
[</em>]"The term Black or African American refers to people having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa." It includes people who indicated their race or races as "Black, African Am., or wrote in entries such as African American, Afro American, Nigerian, or West Indian.
[<em>]"American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) refer to people having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment." It includes people who indicated their race or races by marking this category or writing in their principal or enrolled tribe, such as Cherokee, Chippewa, Meherrin, or Navajo.
[</em>]"Asian refers to people having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent." It includes people who indicated their race or races as "Asian Indian", "Chinese", "Filipino", "Korean", "Japanese", "Vietnamese", or "Other Asian", or wrote in entries such as Burmese, Hmong, Pakistani, or Thai.
[li]"The term Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander (NHPI) refers to people having origins in any of the indigenous peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. They are of Polynesian, Micronesian, and Melanesian cultural backgrounds." It includes people who indicated their race or races as "Native Hawaiian", "Guamanian or Chamorro", "Samoan", or "Other Pacific Islander", or wrote in entries such as Tahitian, Mariana Islander,Micronesian, Polynesian, Melanisians or Chuukese. (See also: Pacific Islander)[/li][/ul]</p>

<p>The end. That is, unless someone else wants to come on with more unfounded idealistic BS.</p>

<p>I just double checked the 'Common Application' which is used by many colleges. It has an area where one can optionally "be identified with a particular ethnic group". It includes the following categorizations:</p>

<li>African American, African, Black</li>
<li>Hispanic, Latino (countries)____</li>
<li>Mexican American, Chicano</li>
<li>Puerto Rican</li>
<li>Asian American (countries of familie's origins)
<li>Asian incl. Indian subcontinent (country)
<li>White or Caucasian</li>
<li>Native American, Alaska Native(date enrolled)
_ Tribal affiliation__</li>
<li>Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander</li>
<li>Other (specify)

<p>I guess the commas in this case denote 'or' but this is ambiguous on the form.</p>

<p>It also includes a statement that I believe is untrue "No information you provide will be used in a discriminatory manner". I believe it's untrue since the only way it could be true would be if it wasn't referenced during the application process in which case the racial section shouldn't be included. If any racial group is given a preference of any kind over another, it is by definition disriminatory. If the colleges practice discrimination, they should at least state it like it is and admit that they do. </p>

<p>I suppose as long as colleges still want to practice racial bias, they need to be more specific in the applications so that for example, a person whose white parents immigrated from Africa won't be given a bias. I think most of us realize that when they provide the category "African American, African, Black" they really mean black and not white. If they really want to bias based on the race for this category, they should just say "Negro" but to be even more clear, I guess they'd have to also ask for percentages to accommodate people of mixed race. I don't think indicating the country can be used to denote race for this purpose since I doubt there are any countries in Africa (for example) that are comprised of only one race.</p>

<p>As long as some colleges continue to practice racial bias in admissions, I think there will always be applicants who want to take advantage of this fact by indicating a 'desired' category - even if it's true but fairly clear that it's not really the intent of the categorizations on the form. As long as the form is ambiguous and colleges are using the data to practice racial bias, I don't blame an applicant for checking the box that they think might help them as long as it's true to the letter of the form.</p>

<p>Another reason why AA is idiotic!</p>

<p>wow ur all stupid, no he is caucasian. people from europe, middle east and north africa are considered caucasian.</p>

<p>"Charlize isn't black, but she's African American. African American doesn't mean "black." "</p>

<p>For purposes of college admissions it does. It also does for purposes of ordinary discourse -- when someone in the US says "...members of the African American community," they aren't talking about white guys.</p>

<p>Arabs (yes I believe eygptians are more arabs than africans) should mark as caucasian that's what's generally accepted I believe. When I applied I put down caucasian (I'm Lebenese btw).</p>

<p>Thank you Scipio...I think most of the time people associate African American with black. I just find it funny when people ask about whether it is okay to identify with the "African American label"...</p>

<p>No, Middle Eastern!! :P</p>

<p>The pointer to the federal definitions earlier in this thread (post #26) was correct. An Arab person is considered white by the federal “race” definitions. A person from Africa is only considered “African-American” if he is a BLACK person from Africa. The current thread on this and related issues is </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/651345-race-college-admissions-faq-discussion-3-a.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/651345-race-college-admissions-faq-discussion-3-a.html&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>and you are invited to discuss the issue there. Please review the links out from the first few posts of that thread </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/651345-race-college-admissions-faq-discussion-3-a.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/651345-race-college-admissions-faq-discussion-3-a.html&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>to see the latest federal regulations and to understand college policies on the issue of race and college admission. It isn’t helpful to have revivals of old threads, especially if they contain incorrect information, so this thread will be closed.</p>