Would Egyptian be considered African African

<p>I have been taught so my entire life, as the Copts/Egyptians in Egypt always distinguished themselves from the Arabs/Muslims. (who conquered Egypt) So Egyptian would be considered "African American," correct?</p>

<p>Technically yes. Any counter-argument would bring skin color into the verdict, and we all know that we don't want to go there.</p>

<p>egyptians are people who live on the continent of africa. so you are african. now that you have come to america you are african-american</p>

<p>I guess so. I always thought that, as you kind of said, Egyptians were really their own race of people...if you really were being specific/honest, I would probably check off the "Other" box for race and fill in "Egyptian", because that's the clearest, most direct answer. </p>

<p>I just looked at the commonapp, and the box says "African American, African, Black" which...I guess you could still check that box as an Egyptian, but I still believe that the "Other" box is the way to go.</p>

<p>You are African-American. Part of why the term African-American meaning black is ridiculous.</p>

Part of why the term African-American meaning black is ridiculous.


<p>Agreed. It's a very ignorant view that assumes that all of Africa = Black America. It's just a natural extensions of designating monolithic and ultimately subhuman identities to outsiders so that when one ignores their hardships or exploits them, it's not as morally questionable.</p>

<p>Yes, you are African-American. I have a bunch of white South African friends, and they call themselves "African-Americans", which is technically correct. </p>

<p>You don't have to be black in skin color to be an African-American.</p>

<p>I agree with the other posters, but I <em>do</em> think that it would be disingenuous to fill in "African American" on an application in this case. It is a poor label for the apps to use, because it really is supposed to mean black (at least, that's what I assume). I actually don't really don't understand why "African-American" is used as a PC way to describe race, but it usually is--it's just confusing, in cases like this.</p>

<p>I don't know why everyone is so shy to point out that when colleges write "African Americans" they are referring to those of dark skin color. If you're a white African/Egyptian, you're not African American in the eyes of universities. Filling in that bubble would be disingenuous.</p>

<p>You should probably check the 'other' box and explain a little.</p>

<p>Absolutely not. In this country, African-American is a subset of Black, as in people with any ancestry from the Black ethnic groups of Africa, including descendants of Black Africans from anywhere in the world. It may be very incorrect, and I agree, I always use the term "American Black" because this is acceptable, but to say that you are African-American is deliberately deceiving to whoever reads your application in the admissions office. It may be logical to say that you are "African-American", but in this country you must have an ancestry in sub-Saharan African peoples to be considered Black. </p>

<p>According to the US Census Bureau:</p>

<p>"Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the ** Black racial groups of Africa **. It includes people who indicate their race as "Black, African Am., or Negro," or provide written entries such as African American, Afro American, Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian."</p>

<p><a href="http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/meta/long_68176.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/meta/long_68176.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>This is how America defines Black and African-American. All African-Americans are Black, but not all Blacks are African-American in this definition. Black is a more expansive term that includes people from other countries with Black populations. If you are not descended from those ethnic groups, then you are not Black.</p>

<p>Contrast to what USCB says about Whites:</p>

<p>"White. A person having origins in ** any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa **. It includes people who indicate their race as "White" or report entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish."</p>

<p>I agree with the two previous posters' advice...and modestly submit that I have already said that twice on this board without it being acknowledged, including using some of the same words as WindSlicer :). </p>

<p>Besides, I am not Egyptian, so I don't want to act like I know the absolute truth here, but it was my understanding that "Egyptian" is an etnicity of it's own and I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to put the exact, whole description of your ethnicity down on the app. If you are uncomfortable with the question, you can do what I did--don't answer! There's no shame in that either, in my opinion. I just think that if you <em>do</em> answer, you should answer to the best of your ability and not settle/shoehorn yourself into a category that you don't really fit into.</p>

<p>im egyptian as well and ive always felt as though arabs as a whole are not given fair treatment on apps...were not white which is obvious but were not black either...under the clearest definition of "african-american" egyptians would go under this category but obviously it is not the accepted definition in this country...im a junior and right now im thinking of putting other on my apps next year because i feel like thats the only thing that would really describe me</p>

<p>^^^Yes--go for it, beefs. Don't define yourself in a way that you don't feel describes you! The question is set up very poorly, in my opinion--it leaves a lot of people up in the air, left to shoehorn themselves into a box that they're not really comfortable with. Don't let the question own you--you own the question.</p>

<p>No..............................Must be from sub-saharan africa.</p>

<p>dude check african-american and screw the people who are telling you not to. they are just jealous</p>

<p>^^NO...we are people with scruples who do not think that you should do something, even if it may technically be correct, that is not really honest and goes against the "spirit of the law", so to speak.</p>

<p>For many years, Americans of sub-Saharn descent have searched for a designation that would make them comfortable in the US. Some terms that were once considered polite no longer are. The word "colored" gave way to "Negro," which gave way to "black," which gave way to "African-American." In the US, being African-American means a dark-skinned individual with ancestry from sub-Sarharan Africa. It does not mean white South Africans of Dutch or British descent. It does not mean Berbers. It does not mean those of Arabic descent.</p>

<p>To check "African-American" on your application without being dark-skinned and of sub-Saharan descent is not honest, and could lead to a revocation of admission if you are caught.</p>

<p>It's my understanding that the US government position is that Egyptians are Arabs, and are thus white for purposes of race. </p>

<p>If you want to check black, go ahead. We'd all like to like in a dream world where race isn't asked, and admissions officers can't tell the race of John. W. WASP from that ofDa'quita L. Brown, but alas, they can, ergo we are stuck with a more than imperfect system of affirmative action.</p>

<p>Don't you have the option of leaving it blank? Every app I filled out had race as an optional question. It's up to you how you want to fill it out. I would either check "other" and indicate Egyptian, or just leave it blank.</p>

<p>I dont see how putting African American will cause any problem as Tarhunt puts it of losing admissions and everything.</p>

<p>Thats ridiculous. The term African-American is used incorrectly in America. How do colleges expect you to know this? If they dont specify that u have to be black etc then it doesnt matter. You are still African. What colleges really want to ask u is "Are you black" in which case your answer would be No but they dont ask that, they ask if your African American, you are. </p>

<p>Why the HECK dont they list races such as 'White, Black, Brown, Yellow', oh yes, almost forgot, people are too sensitive and "its not nice" . Im damn tired of living in a community like this. If you are Black or Brown, or Yellow and people call you that, why the hell would you get mad? What do you want them to call you? Sparkling purple?</p>