<p>@classicalmama: My intent in starting this thread was simply to couch the “I’m applying exclusively to hyper-selectve schools” notion in terms of colleges instead of boarding schools. I think the wisdom of the “widen your net” school of thought is more easily understandable when you think of HYPMS vs. HADES. And yes, I understand it’s apples to oranges, but they’re both still fruits…right? ;-)</p>
<p>Another story that informs my POV…this past January, I chimed in on a thread an applicant had started, cautioning the OP against the “I’m applying exclusively to hyper selective schools” approach. Here is an excerpt of what the applicant had to say in reply: “If I do not try for the schools that make me excited inside, then what’s the point?” I’m pretty sure the applicant was not accepted at any school to which he/she applied. Maybe his/her outcome would have been different had he/she considered a wider range? I’m not saying that doing so is a guarantee of success, but I think it can’t hurt to try and find some other less selective schools to “get excited about”. I know for a fact that there are dozens of “second tier” (quotes intentional and ironic) schools can offer an educational experience that kicks the stuffing out of most public high schools. Most certainly the one in our sending district.</p>
<p>Furthermore, I just took a quick scan of the 2012 Results thread and found the following among the reported results (which I think skew toward the positive, as those with not-so-great news to report may not report at all):</p>
<p>Accepted: Waitlisted: Andover, Deerfield, Choate, Hotchkiss, St. Paul’s, Groton Rejected: Loomis
Accepted: none Waitlisted: Choate, Hotchkiss Denied: Andover, Exeter
Accepted: Waitlisted: Denied: Groton, Hotchkiss, Exeter, St. Paul’s
Accepted: Waitlisted: Deerfield, Hotchkiss, Choate, Taft; Denied:
Accepted: Waitlisted: Andover, Choate, Deerfield, Groton, Hotchkiss, SPS, Denied:
Accepted: Waitlisted: Deerfield Denied: St. Paul’s
Accepted: Waitlisted: Andover, Exeter; Denied:
Accepted: Waitlisted: Loomis Chaffee Denied: Choate, St. Paul’s
Accepted: Waitlisted: Andover, Deerfield, Hotchkiss, Choate Denied: Exeter
Accepted: Waitlisted: Hotchkiss, Exeter Denied: Andover, Lawrenceville</p>
<p>Perhaps some of these folks would see at least one school in that accepted column if they had broadened their scope?</p>
<p>And how many chances threads contain language like this: “Chances for Andover, Exeter, Groton, Deerfield, Choate, or Milton?” (Don’t check now, the “Chances” sub forum seems to be clogged with NCSSM threads at the moment…)</p>
<p>To paraphrase DA, I have no horse in this race (at least this year). I’m simply trying to help more kids increase their chances of receiving a fat envelope on March 10.</p>