If HSL was an actual High School...

<p>^^^ Be the dude who dates all the Asian girls.</p>

<p>I wonder… how many black males are there going to be? I wanna be the token black math nerd who dates asians.</p>

<p>Good point. How many black females will there be?</p>

<p>Ahh, who cares. I’ve been the token before.</p>

<p>^ Millancad (class on 2010) would’ve been one.</p>

<p>Black female? She was black?</p>

<p>She was a she?</p>

<p>I’m the token black guy in</p>

<p>IB Math
IB Chem</p>

<p>It’s funny.
Also the token black guy in robotics.
And MUN.</p>

<p>^ Yeah, she was a black female.</p>

<p>Token black in my Intro to Teaching class.</p>

<p>Oh. So didn’t know that.</p>

<p>^Do you want to be a teacher?</p>

<p>I might do it for a few years. It’s always fall back plan.</p>

<p>^^ Why do you ask? Think I’d be one of those teachers that cusses at her students?</p>

<p>No, just curious. You should teach at the college level.</p>

<p>I feel at peace when I teach. Like helping people calms me mentally, it gives me this satisfaction.</p>

<p>I want to be a college professor one day.</p>

<p>^^ Really? Why?</p>

<p>^ You totally should. Are you not calm mentally all the time?</p>

<p>Nope, not really.</p>

<p>What if you taught at MIT? You’d be too excited to be calm :D</p>

<p>By then I’d lose the emotional capacity to be excited.</p>

<p>I don’t think I’d even been able to be admitted to HSL High.</p>

<p>The students would be spending all their time discussing what their school would be like if it was an internet forum.</p>

<p>If HSL was a real high school, one would be looked down upon for choosing a “lesser” (in USNWR rankings, of course) institution. Like Georgetown. Or University of Texas-Austin (God forbid!).</p>

<p>Being in Geometry 9th grade is ultra-remedial.</p>