If HSL were a REAL High School, how would it look?

<p>hmmm....lets update this.</p>

<p>I'd hang out with the underachievers!</p>

<p>it'd consist of this (thanks tomjonesistheman)</p>

<p>Asian American (Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc.): 20
South Asian/Indian: 7
Middle Eastern: 1 (representin)
African American/Black/African(is that a race?): 11.5
Hispanic: 6
White: 16
American Indian/Alaskan Native:
Multiracial: 8
European: 3
Other: 1
Native Antarctican with a Micronesian twist: 1</p>

M: 28
F: 40</p>

<p>i'd be a loner...not cool enough to hang out with the mega-hsl cliques :( lol</p>

Female dominated Asian college prep school.</p>

<p>This will be such an elite "college prep" school, it'll be scary.</p>

<p>wild and cool at the same time.. i would love it =]</p>

<p>I would still be amazingness</p>

<p>Spruce would be Val?</p>

this would be funny.</p>

<p>I don't think I'd fit in very well for some reason. I certainly wouldn't be anywhere near the top 10%, even though I'm the val at my current high school.</p>

<p>I'm guessing that CCers would come up with some BS policy of ranking that puts everyone in the top 10%.</p>

<p>indeed it will.
and it will involve hiring albino squirrels as fill-ins for the other 90%</p>

<p>Ah, sad. I wouldn't be a Val/Sal. I'm always third. :(</p>

<p>me obviously, for king</p>

<p>Can I be everyone's black friend!!??</p>

<p>I'd be a pretty crappy choice for a black friend though. You'll just have to do the whole equals thing.</p>

<p>I don't even like soul food! But I do like the word "*****in'" and will use it frequently.</p>

<p>LMAO, im sorry dimitrimartin</p>

<p>I hate CC. What's wrong with the word b-i-t-c-h-in'?</p>

<p>you mean bitchin?</p>

<p>whats wrong with an asian prom king lol?</p>

<p>I call prom queen
And homecoming queen</p>

<p>If HSL were a real high school I'd rather go to it than my high school</p>