I know that legally ED is binding unless you don’t receive enough aid, but what if you aren’t selected into your school of choice?
I applied ED to CAS, but also selected to be considered for CGS. Does the ED agreement apply to both schools or just the school I applied to?
The reason I ask is that I was sort of pressured to select to be considered for CGS by a college counselor bc she thought that I would have a better chance there than getting into CAS and went so far as to advise me to mention the program in my why BU essay since I mentioned CAS/Pardee in it already (although a lot of people have told me that with my numbers I likely won’t be considered for CGS anyways). Still, she really shook my confidence and caused my nerves to get the best of me so selected to be considered right before submitting my application without even really know much about the program.
Knowing what I know now, I definitely like the program a lot and probably will still attend if that’s where I end up being accepted, but I’d still like to know what my options are. I’ll be an International Relations major, so if CAS/BU don’t work out, I’d like to apply to American U, GWU and other schools in DC.
ED is not “legally” binding. You will not be arrested if you break the agreement! If you break the agreement for other than financial reasons you would likely be excluded from ever transferring to BU or going to grad or professional school there. Also future ED applicants from your high school may be automatically deferred to RD.
Oh that’s not how it was explained to me but thanks for the clarification! My question still stands though, since I don’t know if I’d feel comfortable screwing over other students/cutting ties with BU…
I guess it is “morally” binding because you signed an agreement. But there is no law. There may be penalties for you and your high school in the future as I described. sorry, don’t know about the CGS question.
parapluiesrouges, from my understanding if you dont get into your first choice major the early decision agreement is voided, so you wold not be bound in the situation you describe.
This is what the assistant director of admissions said to me in an email. (my first choice is COM)
Thank you for your interest in Boston University and your interest in Early Decision. If you indicate interest in the College of General Studies (in addition to applying directly to the College of Communication), and you admitted to General Studies, you will no longer be bound by the Early Decision agreement. If you are admitted to the College of Communication, you will be bound by the ED agreement. I hope this helps clarify your question!
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that’s super helpful thank you!! fingers crossed we both here good news on the 15th