If I get a degree in Graphic design will it take 3 years to get an M.ARCH?

<p>I heard that people who major in arts only have to go for 1.5 to 2 years for an M.arch by a few people but I wanted to varify this claim.</p>

<p>I have never heard of an art major getting a year and a half credit towards their MArch, and you probably have quite a bit of math and structures courses to make up.</p>


<p>So a year and a half is innacurate? What about 2 years? Also, if I take physics as my science class and take calculus while taking some Arch specific courses for my undergraduate degree would it reduce the time I will be in college? Up until now I was proceeding as if I could get both degrees in six years. I dont want to end up raking in large amounts of debts because I have been misinformed. Up until now I was set on doing Graphic design, industrial design and Architecture.</p>

<p>Basically im asking - if I would have to take 3 years in graduate school - would taking ARCH specific courses mitigate the amount of time I would be doing in college. If both dont work I suppose I’ll just have to go to school during the summer as well.</p>

<p>You are going to have to research each specific school, but I know that most MArch programs will make you do three years if you have a BA in arch degree with only two years of design studio. So I would be shocked if you got advanced standing for taking graphic design courses.</p>
