If My Biological Father is Dead and My Mom and Stepdad are Divorced...

<p>... Who do I put as parent 2?</p>

<p>My biological father died when I was 2, and I've known my stepdad for the last fifteen years. It only asks for "parent 2," not biological parent, but I don't know which one is more appropriate.</p>

<p>I thinks it depends on how long your mom and stepdad have divorced and the financial responsibility of your stepdad.
I never knew my stepdad but his income affected my college FA.</p>

<p>My parents have been divorced for about 3-4 years. Since he’s not related to me, he’s not required to pay for child support (at least, that’s what I’ve been told), but I consider him my dad and he sometimes does help us out.</p>

<p>I would put my biological dad as parent 2 then.</p>

<p>If he never adopted you and has no child support obligations from the divorce, then I wouldn’t list him.</p>

<p>Ok, thanks a lot, guys! I asked my stepdad this today and he agreed. I consider him a father and vice versa, but we agreed that since there are no financial or blood ties between us, it’s better to not list him. Plus, my biological father was a college professor for Oklahoma City University, has a PhD, and was in the navy.</p>

<p>Its always unfortunate to select that option in the Parent (1,2) drop down box… Sorry for your loss.</p>