IF you could make any standardized test for college, how would you make it?

<p>OK, some people hate the SAT and ACT like crazy....</p>

<p>On the SAT, some say that it has misleading questions, tricky questions, and a subjective essay, and crappy writing curves</p>

<p>On the ACT, most people complain about time and about how the science section isn't actually science........</p>

<p>So, what would be your ideal College Admissions test?</p>

<p>What subjects would be on it?</p>

<p>How much time would you give for each section (if there are any)?</p>

<p>Should there even be an essay?</p>

<p>IQ. I'm in the top 0.002%...so I'd be in everywhere.</p>

<p>One question:</p>

<p>True or False? This statement is true.</p>

<p>I would model it so that an advanced education (prep schools, tutering, private schools, and AP classes) wouldn't give any advantage. I would base it on the ACT but make it totally different each time so there is no way to study for it. I would definutly keep the science section, but i would add a section where you have to write an essay based on a quote they give you and a book you have already read.... kinda like the NYS english regents</p>

<p>if only...</p>

<p>I wish they could just do away with standarized testing. I hate it.</p>


<p>I'd have one question that involves math, science, reading, social studies, etc. Every core subject, and you can only take the test once, offerred only during July of the senior year. It's like the free response on the AP tests, except there's only one. You can get partial credit if some of your work (writing- including part essay, calculations, etc) is right. There are 999 possible points. You have from 12:01a.m.-12:00a.m. the next day to finnish it. It's always on a wednesday, the 2nd wednesday in July. No calculators. :o</p>

<p>If I could make a standardized test for college; it wouldn't be too difficult.</p>

<p>I would have every core subject on there, plus a foreign language and an essay portion. The difficult questions will come first and easier questions come last. It would be give in January, April, June, September, and November. </p>

<p>I would have it outline as such:</p>

30 minutes to complete
15 problems with calculator ------ 10 without calculator
Math portion will contain Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trig/Pre-Cal, & Calculus. The high math question, such as Trig/Pre-Cal & Calculus, will be done WITH the calculator.
20 minutes
18 questions
Science portion will contain questions from sciences such as Biology, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Geology, and Physics. You will be able to use a calculator the first five minutes of the Science portion for Chemistry and Physics work, BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO SHOW YOUR WORK OR NO POINTS WILL BE GIVEN!
Social Studies-----------------------------------------------------
35 minutes
40 questions
Social Studies portion will contain information from World History, US History, Economics, Goverment, and World Geography. There will be atleast 3 maps to interpret and understand.
Foreign Language-------------------------------------------------
On the application, you will pick a foreign language, and if you are from the language's origins, you will not be able to take that language for the test. (Such as if you are Chinese, you will not be able to take Chinese language as the foreign language on this test.) I want to have a foreign language section because it is necessary that everyone knows another language, and it will tell colleges how your 2nd language skills are.
45 minutes
15 short essay questions (one paragraph each) OR one five paragraph essay from 4 prompts (2 Narrative Prompts and 2 Informative Prompts, pick on application)
There will be 15 pictures and you will have to describe, in detail, what is happening in the picture in that foreign language.
35 minutes
25 questions
There will be 10 grammar questions and 15 questions dealing with excerpts from books and poems.
45 minutes
4 Essay Prompts (2 Informative Essay Prompts and 2 Narrative Essay Prompts)
Pick one essay prompt and write, with standard English, a clear and comprehendable five paragraph essay.</p>

<p>Wow, some people put a lot of thought into this.</p>

<p>Standarized tests are awful. They're just a way for colleges to rank applicants so adcoms don't have to read every app and compare them to other ones. The colleges are the real customers of the SATs, and applicants have to pay for them.</p>

<p>I would make a test that somehow reviewed your social skills, was not a test you could be tutored for and that, if you were a tool, you would automatically fail it. and was more on natural intelligence and common sense than anything,.</p>

<p>For me, mine would have:
Baseball knowledge
Eating crawfish under a pressure filled, time-specific limit</p>

<p>Mine would have a critical reading section similar to the SAT, with a 25-75% split on vocab and reading sections, respectively. For math, it would be a completely multiple choice section on midlevel (geometry and a little analysis) to basic math (algebra), calculators allowed, where there would be so many questions that your grade on the section was more based on how quickly you could do the math. </p>

<p>The entire math section would be completed at the same time, but the reading section would be split timewise between vocab and reading. </p>

<p>You end up recieving 3 scores: a math score out of 500, a Vocab score out of 125, and a Reading score out of 375, for a total score out of 1000.</p>

<p>Your scores would be calculated in a way such that if you divide your total score by 10, you get your percentile.</p>

<p>The test would be entirely open response and the questions would be unrelated to academic material so as to test the ability to think, not study. (ex. What were you in your past life? Why? How did you die?..If joe has 3 tomatoes, and Sam has 26 potatoes, how many fruit loops does Roger have? Show all work.)</p>

<p>I would keep the ACT and the SAT. They both correlate weakly with IQ, so they already measure intelligence and reasoning in addition to knowledge.</p>

<p>Well first of all I would give students more than 25 minutes to write the SAT essay. It takes me 15 minutes to plan what I’m writing. How can I possibly write a good essay in the remaining 10 minutes? It’s preposterous!</p>

<li> Tetris tournament: Top 50 accepted with full scholarship</li>
<li> Mariokart tournament: Top 500 accepted with 3/4 scholarship</li>
<li> Pie eating contest: Top 1000 accepted with half scholarship</li>
<li> Typing test: Top 2000 accepted with no scholarship</li>

<p>Economically efficient, culturally unbiased, virtually uncoachable, and ultimately increases diversity.</p>

<p>i’d test creative thinking: pose a simple open-ended problem, then ask for solutions of any nature. creativity is dying. it’s tragic.</p>