If you could meet any person, who would it be? (make it unconventional!)

<p>For me, it would be Aaron Burr. That man was badass.</p>

<p>Me from the future.</p>

<p>I would have Caravaggio teach me how to paint</p>

<p>Aaron Weiss</p>

<p>my grandmother -who I am named for and died long before I was born</p>

<p>My niece. (She passed away a few years ago and I never got to see her :()</p>

<p>Past: Martin Luther<br>
Future: My kids in 10 years<br>
Present: hmmm…I guess I want the guy that hands out the Publisher’s Clearing House checks to come and meet me.</p>

<p>past: Jesus Christ or Anne Frank
Future: me
present: ummm… Kyle Searless</p>

<p>Richard Feynman at age 17.</p>


really? IMO Luther was a total D***** for hating on peasants and stuff
Erasmus was the chill and cool one (albeit not protestant)</p>

<p>Thomas Jefferson. I don’t know if that counts as unconventional, though. Still, he was the most badass of the Founding Fathers.</p>

<p>Winnie The Pooh.</p>

<p>Cameron! “When Cameron was in Egypt land…let my Cameron goooo.”</p>

<p>i’d meet myself, just to see how i come off to people.</p>

<p>interesting concept <em>thinks deeply</em></p>

<p>I have always wondered how I am seen through other people’s eyes.</p>

<p>Jean Baudrillard or Don Carlo Gesualdo.</p>

<p>Draco Malfoy.</p>

Snookie from Jersey Shore.
MY FAVORITE cartoon character. =D</p>

realpolitick is so charming!</p>