<p>Hey Harvard EA applicants! WHAT WILL YOU guys do if you were accepted to good ol' Harvard?</p>
<p>Would you buy a ton of Harvard attire? Would you run around your neighborhool in joy? Would you jump up and down when you discovered this accomplishment? or....would you start looking for tons of scholarships? </p>
<p>Oh yeah....I'd bake my teachers soo many cookies, give em' gift cards/baskets to Carabbas Italian Grill or the Olive Garden (mmm love that Italian cookin') and hug them to dear DEATH! :) I would really thank god for everything as well...faith goes a long way!</p>
<p>But you know what...I need to give em' these things ANYWAY because they worked REALLY hard on my recs and i believe that they will be one of the greater assests to my app.! AWESOME TEACHERS!! LOVE YA!</p>
<p>1) Buy a Harvard hoodie and hat.
2) Shove it down everyone's throat who told me I couldn't.
3) Laugh and tell the school they can suck by big fat c..... oh, sorry. I mean, I would jump up and down for joy. Sorry, I don't like my school.</p>
<p>I'd cry....a lot. And then I'd go up to Harvard and shake the admission office's receptionist's hand. Oh and I may put a few posters around the school and perhaps slip an "anonymous" note to our school's daily bulletin announcer. Then Ill drop out of AP Calculus. lol I've got big dreams....</p>
<p>and stop dreaming. :D
and if i do manage to get in??
i just dont know. never thought about it. maybe i will hug my family. maybe i will scream. maybe i will faint. infinite possibilities.</p>
<p>OMG, I saw a funny cartoon I'll have to post here if I find it. It shows satan and a high school senior talking. In the bubble of the high schooler, it says "dude, I'll sell my soul if you get me into Harvard!" and satan says "Really? Have any backup wishes?"</p>
<p>If I got in, I'd pump a few "yessessss" and then get congrats from my parents, then daydream about what I'll do at Harvard. I'd just stop doing anything in any of my classes because I would have <em>ZERO</em> motivation to do <em>anything</em>.</p>