<p>I would go eat ice cream.</p>
<p>mathwiz, you're only a junior?</p>
<p>I would go eat ice cream.</p>
<p>mathwiz, you're only a junior?</p>
<p>I think an interesting question for the EA people is: would you still send applications for any other colleges?</p>
I would probably jump up and down 31415926535897 times and then run around the house 2718281828 times.
<p>LOL. You might want to pick different amounts - i.e. those that are not multiples of those found in a math textbook. You would probably pass out. :)</p>
<p>(I think 1.61803399 times would be just fine...)</p>
<p>or 2^6452 times.</p>
<p>or log(.35481) times.</p>
<p>never mind.</p>
<p>Yes I am a junior (ya '07!!! ! !!!! ! !!!!! !!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!! !!!!! !!! !!!!!)</p>
Yes I am a junior (ya '07!!! ! !!!! ! !!!!! !!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!! !!!!! !!! !!!!!)
Is this your "exclamation" of a love for pi?</p>
<p>Wow. That is really dorky. Like, beyond words. haha</p>
<p>what is worse: using the exclamations to express pi, or the fact that techwiz noticed it?</p>
<p>harvard would be crazy not to take us cool cats.</p>
<p>'07!!!! ! ! !! !!!</p>
<p>Oh, God, I don't even know. They're both pretty bad. I think the idea to do it is probably worse--anyone paying attention would have noticed the pattern eventually. Maybe.</p>
<p>Try to solve post #49. A clue: the '07 part is not important (well, '07 is VERY important, just not for what you're trying to solve). Every time you see a space, there is exactly one space there. No extra spaces at the end.</p>
<p>So the real code you are trying to solve is:</p>
<p>4.11 * 10^23? isnt that something important?</p>
<p>lol nevermind i have no clue</p>
<p>4.11*10^23 is close to a mole, but that's not what i'm looking for</p>
<p>6.022 x 10^23?</p>
<p><3 avogadro.</p>
<p>first 4 terms of fibonacci (1 1 2 3)?</p>
<p>only on a Harvard thread........ <em>shakes her head and walks away</em></p>
first 4 terms of fibonacci (1 1 2 3)?
<p>No. If so, then what's the first thing?</p>
<p>tsk tsk for shame. Somehow this resorted to math... what happened to Literature?? lol. Anyways, if I get in, ill be speechless for like 30 minutes
just staring at the screen. Then I will lean down and pray for a while. Then I will go nuts and tell my mom, then call the family, and then the friends from Harvard this summer. Prob miss the rest of the week of school. Then when I return, tell all the teachers and administrators who supported me through everything, and sincerely thank them. THEN go to that jerk of a calculus teacher I have who is this apathetic prick from New York who was talking all this garbage when I was absent when I was sick about how I was a horrible student and had no chance of getting into Harvard and getting in his face in the middle of class and telling him he can go burn in hell for being a racist, apathetic jerk. (lol somehow playing this through my mind will prevent me from actually doing it). Seriously guys, he's such a jerk. And this isnt because I am not doing well in his class (I am), its that the man is so insensitive to everything. He brings and tells the other math teacher in front of us how the Algebra two kids are stupid becuase they cant solve piecewise functions. I mean this guy literally call them idiots infront of us. And the thing is that these kids are inner city and poor. How can this jerk be so insensitive and do something like that? How can he state such horrid things without knowing what these poor kids go through everyday, its just disgusting. And he is so arrogant to boot. </p>
<p>Anyways, back to point, I will be happy as hell, thank God, thank my family and just be glad that through this I can eventually help my community.</p>
<p>Clue for post #49: I like computers :)</p>
<p>yeah i stopped caring awhile ago...</p>