If you were on a Admissions Counsel...

<p>What would you focus on, what would you want to see a potential student be involved with? What part of the application would you look at first and last? What part could you care less about? What kind of essay would hit home with you as a counselor? Open to all thoughts.</p>

<p>Personally I would look at the following
-Essay would be my first thought, so I am not biased by numbers, hopefully I can get a feel for the student first. Paint a picture of them so to speak.
-Then GPA, UW and W along with schedule rigor. What classes does this student excel in? Are they challenging themselves, can they hand my universities world load?
-Then Extra Curricular activities, are they focused? Do they show an interest? Where they for more than a year?
-Sports, is this applicant a team player so to speak? Are they active in representing their school?
-Volunteerism. Do they give back, are they future humanitarians or philanthropists?
-Goes for Sports and EC's, are they leaders? Can they step up and take charge?
-Recommendations? What is their relationship with teachers and how are they discerned?
-SAT/ACT, are they academically competent, don't need to see 2350's just see that they are capable. GPA should be the best indicator. A good grade in AP Eng in my opinion would nullify a lower CR or WR score.
-Race, Regional Diversity, Economic Diversity- Gotta view applicants on same terms first, then break down what "could" have held them back.</p>

<p>I was being pensive and thought of this haha, let's hear your thoughts.</p>

<p>Are you biased against the SAT in anyway?</p>

<p>For me:
Test scores
Race/Regional/Economic diversity.</p>

<p>For me, I would want to pick the most qualified students regardless of what background or race they are from. This is probably why, if i were an adcom, i could only work at a non Affirmative action school because I simply don’t agree with AA. (i’m a minority, Asian).</p>

<p>That’s all very ideal, but having worked as part of an admissions team, I can tell you that the unfortunate truth is that your job is to follow institutional objectives, not your own.</p>

<p>Ok mother should I have said hypothetically what if you were… Way to kill old imagination go ■■■■■ another thread</p>

<p>Your thread idea sucked anyway, kid.</p>