<p>One condom??? lolz that won't last long...</p>
<p>ZOMG at the fleshlight haha not a typo, people</p>
<p>One condom??? lolz that won't last long...</p>
<p>ZOMG at the fleshlight haha not a typo, people</p>
<p>ok fine, lifetime supply of condoms so sex with islanders doesnt result in me getting aids</p>
ZOMG at the fleshlight haha not a typo, people
<p>Did someone project the Captain Obvious-signal onto the night sky?</p>
<p>yup. I spotted it at once, and answered the call! :p
Idk, it was just an odd comment out of the blue from the CC forums haha</p>
<p>blow up dolls....</p>
<p>Dwight Schrute: Question: is there fire wood on the island?
Jim Halpert: I guess.
Dwight Schrute: Then I would bring an ax, no books.
Jim Halpert: It has to be a book, Dwight.
Dwight Schrute: Fine, Physician's Desk Reference...
Jim Halpert: Nice, smart.
Dwight Schrute: ...hollowed out, inside: waterproof matches, iodine tablets, beet seeds, protein bars, NASA blanket and, in case I get bored, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. No, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Question: did my shoes come off in the plane crash?</p>
<p>This thread almost completely reinforces my view that very few people on CC actually get any. </p>
<li>A Wilson volleyball </li>
<li>The works of Plato (I love philosophy)</li>
<li>A surf board</li>
<li>scuba and snorkeling equipment</li>
<li>picture of my current girlfriend</li>
<li>the dictionary (always wanted to read it but never had the time)</li>
<li>the Detroit Lions cuz if they are with me maybe a better team will replace them</li>
<li>my dog</li>
<p>Why did we manage to get on the island in the first place?</p>
<li>Waterproof Bible</li>
<li>Waterproof mattress with built in pillow</li>
<li>Waterproof blanket</li>
<li>Crate of waterproof journals (pens included =P)</li>
<li>Waterproof, near indestructible piano ^_^</li>
<p>Hayden Panettiere. That is all.</p>
<p>"Hayden Panettiere. That is all."</p>
<p>Psh Megan Fox is way hotter</p>
<p>No, pramirez is right on this one.</p>
<p>It's true, look it up on Wikipedia.</p>
<p>Hayden is legal...</p>
<p>She's been hot for a lot longer than she's been eighteen.</p>
<p>I have to go with Hayden, Megan has too many tatoos (just something about having so many i dont like) although see was hot in transformers</p>
<p>omg Megan is so much hotter. In Transformers?! <em>ogles</em></p>
<p>Megan Fox was very hot (distractingly hot, I'd add) in Transformers; I agree. But paparazzi shots point to Hayden as hotter.</p>
<p>FHM voted Megan is the sexiest woman alive. Hayden isn't even in the top ten.</p>
<p>word to pramirez. I think Megan deserves a thread. No, a sub-forum. No, wait, an entire forum. NO a website FULL OF FORUMS. lmao jp :p</p>
<p>In all due seriousness, her hotness really did detract something from the film. It took my focus away from anybody else of screen.</p>
<p>"Stupid Shia Lebeouf! Stop getting in the way of Megan's face!" lol</p>