<p>How much of an advantage will it give the mom's son if he were applying?</p>
<p>100 dollars a year won't help...alumni relation will a bit.</p>
<p>What do you mean by alumni relation?</p>
<p>She is a doctor for some people on the admin committee, but there's no guarantee that the son's application will be read by those people.</p>
<p>But those people will vote for your application when the times comes...I say you have a really good chance if your GPA and test scores are exceptional.</p>
<p>The fact that she is your mom will help because you have an alum relation. </p>
<p>The fact that she donates 100 dollars a year won't help that much considering there are people who donate millions. </p>
<p>The fact that shes the doctor for admins there will help as long as your mom talks to them about how excited you are about applying, how much you really want to go...etc.</p>
<p>youre probably going to get in since your mom went there. it really helps a lot.</p>
<p>But don't depend on that alone.</p>