IGETC box for TAG participants? URGENT, HELP ):

<p>Hello, everyone.
Sorry that I had to post it again, since nobody answered ):
I can't find the IGETC box for TAG participants.
Is it this question that we have to mark YES?: Prior to transfer, will you be certified for completion of the Intersegmental General Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)?</p>

<p>It says I already have completed my IGETC except English 2..(I'm taking Eng2 right now)
Can anyone please clarify? Thank you!</p>

<p>yes </p>

<p>and you need to have your English class done by the end of this semester if you wanna transfer to UCSD. You’ll be fine if you pass :)</p>

<p>Thank you so much! Do you also know if we can change our planned course that we listed on TAG application for Winter 2011, if it’s not IGETC or major pre-req class? My tag won’t be revoked because of that right? It’s only one class.</p>