I'll Chance YOU!!!

<p>I'm bored and have nothing to do!
Post your stats (or link to previous post) and the schools you want to apply to
and I will give you my opinion of your chances :)</p>

<p>I live on the east coast so I have a pretty good idea of schools in the
east coast, central north region and south!</p>


<p>Please remember this just my opinion!!</p>

<p>im a few posts down. look for the post by me!</p>

<p>chance me for: </p>

<p>-Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business
-UPENN Wharton School of Business
-Babson College</p>

<p>GPA: 96
Rank: 10/350
SAT: math-730 CR-650
SAT II: Math 1-740 Math 2-680</p>

<p>-Varsity soccer captain, first team all county, team MVP, senior all-star game selection,
-AP Scholar with Honors; Scholar Athlete Award Soccer, Award of Distinction in Foreign Language, December Student of the Month, National Finalist for DECA International Career Development Conference, High Honor Roll in Advanced and AP Classes, National Honors Society, Who’s Who Registry of Academic Excellence, 1st Place NY State DECA Virtual Business Challenge, 1st Place NY State Future Business Leaders of America, 1st Place NY State Sports Marketing Challenge, 6th Place International Ranking DECA Virtual Business Challenge, Financial Literacy Certificate of Achievement, Scholar Athlete Award Track & Field, $40,000 Elmira College Key Award Scholarship
-Track and field
-Ski Club
-National Honors Society
-Fishing Club
-Premier, year-round soccer team</p>

<p>Work: R.Brooks Associates, (Maintencance) Tim Hortons, (Employee) Babysitting</p>

<p>AP Classes: -AP European
-AP English Language and Composition
-AP Physics-B
-Ap Physics-C
-AP American History
-AP Economics
-AP Literature
-AP Calculus-AB
-College Accounting</p>

<p>chance me please!</p>


<p>Your def candidate for all the schools your listed. Nothing is impossible Your involvement in DECA and FBLA are really going to help you since you are applying to business schools at Carnegie and UPenn. I think you have a definite in to Babson since your stats shine way over the average and your workload is impressive.</p>

<p>I would give UPenn a 30% chance just because you’re gonna be in the running with the best students. I would give Carnegie Mellon a 40-50%. You have great credentials.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>I think I may be blind because I cannot find your post! LOL</p>

<p>Mind posting a link?</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602737-chances-unc-penn-brown-etc-robertson.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602737-chances-unc-penn-brown-etc-robertson.html&lt;/a&gt; </p>


<p>Chance me for Michigan State University, VTech, UVA
I am a Virginia resident from Fairfax County.
GPA: 3.87
SAT: 1810
Math: 590
Critical Reading: 580
Writing: 640
Biology: 750
Biology: 5
Eng. Lang.: 3
US History: 4</p>

<p>I have been taking honors throughout high school as well as 8 AP classes.
I have been employed at a veterinary hospital since September 2008 as a veterinary assistant.
I have shadowed a veterinary internal medicine doctor and a general veterinarian for 20 hours as part of an internship for my anatomy class.
I also wrote a pretty good essay.</p>

<p>Activities outside of school:</p>

<p>Employed at Gunston Animal Hospital since September 2006 to present as a veterinary assistant.
Shadowed a veterinary internal medicine doctor at Regional Veterinary Referral Center in Springfield, VA for 5 hours.
Shadowed an associate veterinarian at Gunston Animal Hospital for 15 hours.
Competed in two Certamen competitions for the Hayfield Junior Classical League Chapter.
Will be attending the Howard Hughes Medical Institute 2008 Holiday Lectures on Science on December 4th and 5th, 2008.</p>

Honor Roll for every quarter throughout 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008. (12 quarters, 6 semesters)
AP Scholar (2008)
Academic Achievement Award (2006, 2007)
German Student of the Year (2006, 2007)
Mount Holyoke Book Award (2008)
Honorable Mention in Animal Sciences at Hayfield Secondary High School Science and Engineering Fair (2007)
1st Place Winner in Plant Sciences at Hayfield Secondary High School Science and Engineering Fair(2008)
1st Place Winner in Plant Sciences at Fairfax County Science and Engineering Fair (2008)
Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair Participant (2008)</p>

<p>I have recommendations from my AP biology teacher, anatomy and bio 1 teacher, and my AP Eng Lang teacher as well as a recommendation from the veterinarian I work with.</p>

<p>sweet :D</p>

<p>GPA: freshman and sophomore year- UW 3.8 W 4.1
junior year- UW 4.0 W 4.5 </p>

<p>SAT: 2100 (superscored)
cr- 720
w- 730
m- 650</p>

<p>*SAT II’s
Literature- 650
U.S. History- 640</p>

<p>Rank: ~1/280 </p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
President and Founder of the Young Democrats Club
Vice President of the Diversity Club
Literary Magazine Staff (and contributor)
Newspaper Book Review Columnist
varsity tennis team (9,10,11)
volunteer all the time at church
volunteer at the library twice a week (10 hrs. a week approx)
College Misericordia Diversity Camp
I’m also heavily involved in the Obama campaign.
I organized a voter registration drive at my school. </p>

<p>Awards and Achievments: (pretty weak)
AP scholar
2nd place in a poetry slam (sophomore year)
honorable mention in a poetry slam (junior year)
ambassador for change (it went along with the diversity camp thing)
member of the national honor society
High Honor roll (every quarter freshman and sophomore year)
Principal’s Honor roll (every quarter junior year)</p>

<p>Summer Activities:
volunteering at the library
I also took 2 college courses at wilkes univeristy:
Pschology (I got a 4.0)
Governments of the World (4.0 as well)</p>

<p>Senior year:
AP Spanish
Shakespeare and the Novel (I took on an extra elective)
Pre-Calc (dual enrollment)
Calc I (dual enrollment, next semester)
Composition 101 (dual enrollment)
American Lit (dual enrollment, next semester)</p>

<p>AP grades:
euro- 3
us- 3
gov’t and politics- 4
Not so great, but two I self studied for. </p>

<p>here are the schools:
american university
smith college
mount holyoke college
villanova university
bryn mawr college
saint joseph’s university (EA)
college of the holy cross
Bates (pretty much my number 1 choice!)
Fordham University (EA)
University of Scranton (EA)</p>

<p>other schools I was thinking of adding in, obviously I will have to pick just one or two:
Boston College
University of Pennsylvania (but probably not, two kids got in last year from my school though haha. maybe instate helps slightly?)</p>


<p>I’m looking at Emory.</p>

<p>I’m a senior in high school. Here’s my stats:</p>

<p>9th Grade-
Honors Biology
Honors Algebra II
Honors World Geography
Honors 9th Grade Lit</p>

<p>10th Grade-
Honors Chemistry
Honors Geometry
Honors World History
Honors 10th Grade Lit</p>

<p>11th Grade:
AP U.S. History (scored a 5)
AP Biology (scored a 4)
AP English Language and Composition
Honors Trigonometry</p>

<p>12th Grade- (I live in Screven County, Georgia, which is about a thirty minute drive from Georgia Southern University, so I took all my classes as a Senior at GSU except for one. I know that the credits won’t transfer but my high school doesn’t offer many quality AP classes so my parents and I felt this was the best route.)
ENGL 1101
ENGL 1102
MATH 1113 (Pre-Cal)
MATH 1441 (Cal I)
ECON 2105 (Global Economics)
POLS 1101(American Government)
AP Psychology (my only class at my high school)</p>

<p>I have an unweighted GPA of 4.0. Never made a B in my life.
SAT- 1420 plus 710 writing
ACT- 33</p>

<p>Not great EC’s:</p>

<p>Did a lot of volunteer work for Obama’s campaign. (Voter registration, canvassing, phone banking, etc.) Also a member in Beta Club, National Honor Society, Model United Nations(won several awards), have worked 2 part-time jobs simultaneously since ninth grade.</p>

<p>Public High School. Not very competitive I guess. Currently ranked 6th out of 335 students.</p>

<p>Go here :slight_smile:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603470-b-chance-me-i-ll-chance-you-b-hearts.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603470-b-chance-me-i-ll-chance-you-b-hearts.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Its short</p>

<p>Thanks so much</p>

3.9 GP UW (B’s in freshman English, A’s in all subsequent English classes)
31 ACT Plus Writing, 33 English, 34 Reading, 26 Math (I know…), 30 Science…writing 6 …ehh
FBLA 12th
FFA 12th
Louisiana Parish Academic Award 3rd Year (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
State Literary Rally 9th, 11th (9th I went in Alg 1, 11th in Eng 3)
State Social Studies Fair 9th
Principal’s List 9th, 10th, 11th
Honor Roll- 12th (I had a B in College Math)
National Honor Society Member- 10th, 11th
Student Council
Library Club- 9th (club cut due to budget…)
National Junior Honor Society- 9th
Science Award in Physical Science- 9th (they have quit giving out science awards…)
GEE Award- 10th
GEE Mastery and Advanced Award-11th
11th Grade Honor Roll Award
Student of the Year Nominee</p>

<p>I’ve done some volunteer work, but not near the amount I think I should have. I’m going to try to volunteer more soon if I can, since I only have about 30-40 hours.</p>

<p>I joined the soccer team but my school cancelled it due to budget cuts before we could even have a practice.</p>

<p>I’m also taking the hardest classes possible at my school, which doesn’t offer either AP or Honors courses. I’m taking two Dual Enrollment Classes, Algebra 3 and English IV D.E and also taking Physics. We don’t have Calculus or Pre-Calculus here so I will take that later.</p>

<p>Algebra 3 D.E. counts as Math 100, 101, and 112 in College credit, and English IV D.E. counts as English IV highschool, English 101, 102 College credit.</p>


<p>Also the rank is 1/44 at a small Louisiana school so I know that makes it worse but meh what can you do.</p>

<p>Chance me for</p>

<p>Dartmouth (lol)
Washington and Lee
Tulane University</p>

<p>essay should be good, recs will be great</p>

<p>Bard (early action)
college of wooster
MAJOR: Theatre/Spanish
white private school male jewish
EC’s: A LOT (and i mean a lot) of theatre, spanish honors society, chorus, gay-straight alliance, animal shelter volunteer.
AP/Honors classes taken: Ethics, Spanish IV, American Literature, AP US History, AP Spanish, AP Gov, AP Calc AB.</p>

<p>chance me, im the thread right above you (at this moment). :)</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602605-chance-small-town-rural-kid-washu-ed-notre-dame.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602605-chance-small-town-rural-kid-washu-ed-notre-dame.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603212-chances-my-non-safeties.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603212-chances-my-non-safeties.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>thank you so much :slight_smile: appreciate it</p>

<p>Order of Preference: UCLA, UCSD, UCB</p>

<p>UW GPA: 4.0
10-11 UC GPA: 4.17
ELC (Rank 5/350)</p>

<p>SAT: 650 reading/720 math/620 writing (1990 composite) :frowning:
ACT: 32 Composite - 29 English/Writing (10 essay), 30 Math, 34 Reading, 33 Science
SAT II: Bio-M 780/Math 2 730 (retaking math)</p>

<p>Honors/AP Classes taken:
English 1-3 Honors
World History Honors
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus
AP Statistics
AP English</p>

<p>AP tests: Bio - 5
Taking : Literature/Calculus/Statistics/Chemistry this year</p>

<p>EC: Key Club/NHS
President of California Scholarship Federation (Member since 10th grade)
Varsity Tennis Team (MVP Freshman Year)
Rotary Enterprise Leadership Conference (Team President)
150+ Hours Volunteering at police station
40+ Hours at Second Harvest Food Bank</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603590-i-just-found-out-i-f-d-up-last-thread-damn.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603590-i-just-found-out-i-f-d-up-last-thread-damn.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thank you!</p>

<p>Stanford, USC, Duke, Cornell, UW (Washington)

<p>UW GPA: 4.0
Rank: 1 of 433</p>


<p>SAT: 660 reading, 750 math, 670 writing (2080)
SAT II: 800 Math II, 800 Chem, 800 Physics</p>

<p>AP: Taken Chem and AB Calc so far
Chemistry (5)
Calc AB (5)
Calc BC
Physics (honors not AP)</p>

Varsity Golf: Four year letter, four year first team all conference, two year captain, four year scholar athlete, two time coaches award, play in tournaments outside of high school
Mu Alpha Theta: Treasurer and Math team participant
Science National Honors Society: Officer, founding member, first chapter in state
National Honors Society: Regular member
Athletes for Kids: High School athletes mentor a kid with autism, big buddy system
Help run local, annual charity golf tournament
Bag Room Employee: At a Top 100 course since I was 16, now a shift supervisor
Fantasy Baseball: League commissioner of two 20 team dynasty keeper leagues, for those that ask hobbies
World vision, Cancer research volunteer stuff</p>

<p>National Merit Scholar
Random student of the month stuff</p>

<p>Essay/recs solid</p>

<p>Thanks, Stanfords my dream school. My SAT seems to be on the lower end but hopefully my other stuff can make up for it.</p>

<p>Woah, thanks! :d <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/601083-chances-getting-into-brown-please.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/601083-chances-getting-into-brown-please.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;