<p>yeah we settled the cubans issue already ;)</p>
<p>and i think (don't know for sure) that although some may pay taxes...a much more significant number don't.</p>
<p>yeah we settled the cubans issue already ;)</p>
<p>and i think (don't know for sure) that although some may pay taxes...a much more significant number don't.</p>
<p>I read it was estimated between 40-60% (how they get those numbers, IDK, so maybe the newspaper pulled it out of their arse).</p>
<p>like i said, i have no idea for sure. i also have no idea how they would get those numbers. and a 20% difference is pretty big. i vot on the pulling out of their arse...haha.</p>
<p>random fact...ex convicts can file for social security, not THAT'S effed up.</p>
<p>I worked at a large retail store as a cashier. And had a lot of mexican customers. If I was to consider a mexican not knowning any english at all an illegal. Then I would say that number is on par.</p>
<p>i don't think the "taxes" referred to are taxes on clothes and stuff (ie sales tax). i think it was more like income and property. i could be wrong though.</p>
<p>They obviously pay sales tax. And if they rent or in any way contribute to the total rent amount of wherever they live, they are indirectly helping the landlord pay the property tax. Got no clue on income tax.</p>
<p>Well, if they don't directly pay taxes (minus sales tax), how are they supposed to get income tax?</p>
Illegal Mexicans do take the jobs that we dont want
and lower US wages in the process. I wouldnt be a janitor for minimum wage, but if the job was $20 an hour I might think about it.
<p>Umm...no. The wage can't go down because of an artificially imposed price floor. That's the whole point of a minimum wage. </p>
<p>Want to get rid of many illegals? Get rid of minimum wage in key industries.</p>
One of the problems I have is the fact that they don't pay taxes. This may seem like nothing big to the economy but when you have tons of them not paying taxes, but still living in the US, there's a problem. If he/she doesn't have to pay taxes, why should I? Makes you wonder why a lot of american citizens don't even bother paying taxes.
<p>Except that many of them pay income tax and they all pay sales tax. That, and they are still generating GDP.</p>
<p>^That won't help. It they aren't documented, and not using fake socials, labor laws won't have to apply. Hell, they could lose a limb at work, and their boss can dump them somewhere and say "he never worked for us."</p>
<p>UCLAri, also don't forget that even if they did pay taxes, most would get their entire share back due to their low wages. So, they still wouldn't contribute much in terms of tax revenue (but, a whole lot of GDP is made still).</p>
<p>What won't work?</p>
<p>It doesn't matter. The argument that "they don't contribute" is fallacious and lacks understanding of how economics actually works. I don't doubt that they're a strain on certain areas of society, but to say that they're not helping the economy is also silly.</p>
<p>And really, getting rid of price floors would keep many of them out. That and seriously punishing businesses caught hiring illegals would get rid of the incentive to hire them. But why do this economically? It's so much more fun to hate the Irish.</p>
<p>Wait, we hate Mexicans now? Damn, I'm behind the times.</p>
<p>I didn't say they didn't contribute. The last post was in help of your argument.</p>
<p>Yeah, I figured. I just wanted to further elaborate on that point.</p>
<p>That and I want rid of the Irish. They're always taking our jobs!</p>
<p>And, I don't think getting rid of price floors would get rid of undocumented immigrants. Most are still paid above the minimum wage limit, documented or not.</p>
<p>The Irish? :(</p>
<p>Well, I guess I better get back on that boat.</p>
I don't think getting rid of price floors would get rid of undocumented immigrants.
<p>How about the Irish, then?</p>
Well, I guess I better get back on that boat.
<p>C'mon, you Irish were the original job takers!</p>
I think you missed my point. Demand for employees can set the wages for certain industries. If an employer needs a job done, he will have to pay a higher wage in order to get that job done. If illegal Mexicans are willing to work cheap, sometimes below minimum wage, then they will drive down the need for the employers to pay higher wages. You will learn about this in economics. It is simply a matter of supply and demand.</p>
<p>I didn't miss your point at all, and yes, I know about supply and demand in labor. That was my whole point with getting rid of price floors in an attempt to get rid of an economic incentive to work here.</p>