Illinois State Mandated ACT Discussion 4/27/11

<p>Do any of you guys know when the ACT results are going to be up on the site? Is it going to be 2 weeks like the rest of them or do we have to wait for it in the mail?</p>

<p>My proctor said 5-8 weeks via mail, but I don’t know if that’s right! Is it possible to get them online?</p>

<p>Thats what my proctor said too. But I asked some seniors and some said that it gets posted up on the website in 2 weeks and others said that we have to wait for the mail for this score…</p>

<p>^hmm… maybe it depends if you’ve taken the ACT before? Or if you’ve signed up on the website? idk. I kinda just figured it’d go online after we receive it in the mail. Maybe not, though.</p>

<p>@Ananymous, I hope it’s just two weeks! I’m dying to know my score, especially since this thread has died down and I can’t remember any of my other answers haha.</p>

<p>It’s been about 2 weeks will they be online soon???</p>

<p>mine is in… got a 30 =/… live in colorado</p>

<p>^ Did you get your scores online or in the mail?</p>

<p>mail just yesterday</p>

<p>How exactly did you take the PSAE from Colorado?</p>

<p>Colorado also had a state mandated ACT on the same day in April</p>

<p>i really hope its online tommorow or wednesday…hoping for just a 30+</p>

<p>I got mine online this morning</p>

<p>IL scores are up!
science score dropped from a 33 to a 26 (***???) but everything else improved, so my superscore bumped up to a 33. overall a success i guess?</p>

<p>not really sure how ‘legit’ the science section is… my score shouldn’t be able to fluctuate so dramatically.</p>

<p>How do you view your scores? </p>

<p>I do have an account on actstudent website, but I don’t think the state mandated tests scores can be viewed there, since I didn’t register for my test online. Or am I wrong?</p>

<p>Anyone who registered before taking the test not have their scores up yet?</p>

<p>Yeah, me. </p>

<p>I think you had to put in your ss # on your answer sheet which I didnt do.</p>

<p>I don’t think that is true because most kids do not know their SS#. I thought they could just link the test to your account by Name, School, and Birthday. I could be wrong though.</p>

<p>If all the info you put on your answer sheet matches the info you gave to ACT, then your scores should be up online by now</p>

<p>Dang, I thought they just didn’t post all the scores yet.</p>