<p>Dearest fellow ILRies, I am curious about what to expect for sophomore year starting- oh man!- tomorrow (moving up early to start OL training.) What is the workload like for Prof. Lieberwitz's Labor Law? Anybody here take LE 240 with Prof. Smith as a writing class? Am I screwing myself over by postponing HR 260 to the Spring so I can take more Stats now? Thanks! See you all in Ives very, very soon.</p>
<p>i would check ratemyprofessor.com </p>
<p>i think Hauskenecht's HR 260 is a bit tedious so if you have someone else you might save yourself...</p>
<p>i'm taking griffith's labor law...i heard liberwitz's nickname is lieber*****...not sure how bad it is though...</p>
<p>No. As far as I am concerned you should take HR 260 the last possible semester. The class is worthless.</p>
<p>Bravo for taking more stats courses.</p>
<p>As for Labor Law, take Gold.</p>
<p>Gold unfortunately isn't teaching this semester, but I will most definitely invite him to destroy my GPA and soul in a 400-level course soon enough! I've heard great things about Prof. Lieberwitz, but I am curious about the workload (versus, say, CB 100 with DeVault?)</p>
<p>Lieberwitz's class is definitely manageable. Just stay on top of your work and reading. I kept putting off the reading and case outlines, so I didn't do as well as I wanted.</p>
<p>I never had Prof Smith for LE 240. I had Hutchens and I cannot begin to explain how awesome he is.</p>
<p>HR260 with Hauskenecht is very easy. The final can be a bit tricky, but everything else is pretty simple.</p>