<p>what do you guys do in your free time?</p>
<p>CC creepinz’.</p>
<p>^ I second that.</p>
<p>I make monkey sandwiches on English muffins.</p>
<p>^What in the world?</p>
<p>Meat. On an English muffin, no less?</p>
<p>I’m thinking maybe its peanutbutter bananna. ^</p>
<p>when i am bored i read true crime books… they are awesome!!! they really soak up time and make you think… well if you don’t like gory stories then maybe its not for you but if you are its way better than anything else… try reading true crime by Lee Butcher</p>
<p>Butcher, eh?</p>
<p>Call someone. Impose your unwanted presence on someone else’s precious time.</p>
<p>study for AP’s</p>