<p>My parents told me, if I get the marks, they'll send me to whatever university I want. I'm looking for a way to stick out. I'm just finishing up grade 10 right now of high school. I want to go to school for computer programming, but I'm also considering business. I have an online business now, making 3-4 figures a day, but I'm looking for more ways to stick out. We've considered online college courses but Canada doesn't let high school students take college courses, you need a diploma. What does the US have to offer? Does anyone know of any courses or such that I could enroll in? Currently, I go to a public school unfortunately. I'd love to go to a private school, but the closest one is 2 hours away. We cannot move because I must stay where my dads business is at. Well, I got 2 years, so I want to prepare now, what should I start doing? </p>
<p>that being said, you would need a pretty good SAT mark of 2090~2220 to be competitive
also for courses, just take the most challenging courses your school has to offer
and do you do sports or music or any activities? if not start looking at those
it might be a wee bit late to look for worthwhile extracurriculars but a guy like you with a goal can do it
Oh and did I mention that Carnegie Mellon has one of the best Computer Science Programs, if not the best, in the nation?</p>
<p>You face special issues because you are an international applicant. You should pay a visit to the International Students Forum, and read through some of the information there. There is a sub-forum specifically for Canadians!</p>
<p>You need to talk with your parents about your college budget. Many of the private colleges and universities in the US will cost more than USD 60,000 each year by the time you are ready to enroll. For your particular major field, you have excellent options in Canada that would cost significantly less money than that.</p>