I'm Canadian, and want to go to university in the US.

<p>My parents told me, if I get the marks, they'll send me to whatever university I want. I'm looking for a way to stick out. I'm just finishing up grade 10 right now of high school. I want to go to school for computer programming, but I'm also considering business. I have an online business now, making 3-4 figures a day, but I'm looking for more ways to stick out. We've considered online college courses but Canada doesn't let high school students take college courses, you need a diploma. What does the US have to offer? Does anyone know of any courses or such that I could enroll in? Currently, I go to a public school unfortunately. I'd love to go to a private school, but the closest one is 2 hours away. We cannot move because I must stay where my dads business is at. Well, I got 2 years, so I want to prepare now, what should I start doing? I except the tuition to be over 60k for me, that's ok.</p>

<p>Thank-you for your time!</p>

<p>Extracurriculars (one’s you’re interested in and passionate about), meaningful summer activities, good grades, good SAT scores.</p>

<p>You don’t have to worry about what school you want to go to right now. I mean it’ll be a good idea to research, but you have quite a bit of time. Just concentrate on doing the best you can in school, join clubs, and study for your SATs. You shouldn’t be thinking of ways to stand out to schools, you should be doing the things you like to do. Ultimately, quality (in terms of achievements and passion) of extracurriculars > quantity.</p>

<p>Also, 3-4 figures a day would be about $360,000/year. Notsureifsrs.</p>

<p>If your sat scores aren’t up there, you arent going to a top us university.</p>

<p>^Not entirely true. But obviously try to get them as high as possible.</p>

<p>The OP is going to be competing against top Canadians for the Canadian quota. Expect a lot of competition.</p>

<p>Im a Canadian high school student as well, going into grade 11.
my rents are quite similar, telling me to just get into a good school, and they’ll see me through.
I think its great that you are looking to gain experince in the major you are looking into.
However, do make sure that you have good SATs and EC.
Try volunteering or getting some Co-op experince. You can also look into competitions and such…</p>

<p>3-4 figures a day would be $36,500 to $3.7 million a year, assuming $500 a day would be 182,500$ annually. So…if that’s true then you shouldn’t really be worrying about paying for college as you appear to be independently wealthy.</p>

<p>Does your school offer AP/IB? If so you should take them. If not you could self study some AP courses.</p>

<p>I’m making hell of a lot less than $182,500. I’m just saying, that the odd day goes 4 figures but most are low 3 figures. However, Income tax eats me apart.</p>