<p>next year (as a senior) because I don't want to overload my schedule senior year with extremely difficult classes. Do you think colleges would look at it as a "easy class?" I mean, five of my classes will be IB classes, so it's not like I'm slacking off in other areas, but still...</p>
<p>This might actually be in the wrong forum, sorry!</p>
<p>No, I took it Jr year. Didn’t affect college acceptances.</p>
<p>If you’re taking it as your only science, then yes it definitely looks like you’re taking it easy. </p>
<p>If you are taking it secondary to another science, then all is good.</p>
<p>I’m also going to be taking IB Physics 2.</p>
<p>When has psychology ever counted as a science though? It’s a social science, so it falls under social studies, doesn’t it?</p>
<p>in my school psych counts as a social science. they offer a semester of psych and a full year of ap psych. i’m taking the semester course as a junior right now but plan on taking the ap exam anyway.</p>
<p>i think as long as your taking a good amount of rigorous courses it really shouldn’t affect you as much, its ap on the plus side too.</p>
<p>No, AP Psych is a tough class, well it is in my school.</p>
<p>nahhh you’re fine</p>