<p>I thought you were trying to lose weight? Instant noodles aren't so good for that...</p>
<p>yeah. i know. the one I jsut made was my last one. I gave the rest of them to my brothers. I quit, but that doesn't mean I won't keep talking about noodles.</p>
<p>you made more noodles? I seriously have never know anyone who eats so many noodles!</p>
<p>no actually I was talknig about the noodles in post # 32. I can't offer you any of it becasue it's all on its way to the sewage treatment plants as we speak.</p>
<p>i want some noodles..i just ate a cookie</p>
<p>I can always make more lol. can i have a cookie please.</p>
<p>hahaha. this is funny.</p>
<p>i brought it back from the dead. </p>
<p>anyone eat any noodles or RICE lately?</p>
<p>I had fried noodles a few days ago.
But rice comprises 50 to 60% of my daily food intake; so it's not that big a deal for me.
<p>haha. i actually find it quite amusing how bored we were in the summer.</p>
<p>yeah; there are very few threads like this now..the cafe was alot more fun in the summer.</p>
<p>lol, this is really old!</p>
<p>the cafe seems to be getting a little better again the last couple days though... not quite where it was, but still better than the last couple months.</p>
<p>but to make this post "on topic" (lol), most of what I eat is noodles! I'm sort of on the anti-atkins diet, since I only eat carbs!</p>
the cafe seems to be getting a little better again the last couple days though... not quite where it was, but still better than the last couple months.
<p>It's weird, I first got into the Cafe regularly about 3-4 months ago, then I stopped for about 2 weeks (college planning) and when I got back on I realized that many of the people I noticed at the beginning seemed to have dissapeared. I thought it took a turn for the worst...especially with some pretty pointless threads, but it seems to be getting better.</p>
<p>the point of the cafe is to talk about nothing (which is what we did all summer)...talking about stuff here just doesn't work.
P.S. I had 3 packs of noodles today.</p>
<p>i wish i ate noodles today</p>
<p>I'm about to go eat noodles.</p>
It's recently come to my attention that the spices in noodles can cause impotense - which reminded me of this thread.
I've decided not to eat so many.
Anyone eaten noodles lately?</p>
<p>stuck-on-1700: I am having pasta later. Does that count? </p>
<p>I eat rice almost every day, so it is not even worth bringing that up. </p>
<p>Has anyone had those gigantic instant noodles which are already in their own bowl? Gosh, those are great! One dollar for a big old bowl of salt flavored instant noodles full of pure beef fat! Gosh darnit, I get hungry thinking about it.</p>
<p>lol. pasta counts I guess.
I eat rice on a daily basis too. But I never get bored of it.
no, I've never heard of the gigantic noodles for some reason. but they sound pretty good lol.</p>
<p>hehehe. rice is better. </p>
<p>resurection #2</p>
I haven't had noodles in a while...I miss them...</p>