Im Furious. How Do Arrogant People Like Him Get Into Brown?

<p>Maybe he put "girl humper" in his resume :O
Why didn't I think of that?!</p>

Cuz you don't........burned!</p>

<p>Parkrunner, I think you worry too much about the "other guy." Many of your posts are about how some guy did this and didn't get caught, or did that and got away with it. All your life you will encounter people like this; you simply have to learn to deal with it and not get so upset about it. Focus on yourself, do the right thing, and don't let the "other guy" get you down.</p>

<p>ew, that's disgusting</p>

<p>ummmm fringey...when you say h-w do you mean harvard-westlake? cuz i go there and i can think of a guy who matches this description to a T!!!</p>

<p>^ sigh . so many stories about this it's not even funny</p>

<p>seafoodlover, i couldn't agree more with your post.</p>

<p>northstarmom is so right and it's worth repeating, for all who complain and don't do anything about it while it's happening:</p>

<p>"Maybe he wouldn't have gotten into Brown if his peers hadn't let him cheat off their homework and if the girl whom he has been sexually harassing had turned him in. Perhaps instead of blaming Brown for his acceptance, you should blame your peers. If he has some club or class offices, also blame the people who voted for him."</p>

<p>Eh. This is life. Unfortunately, people like that often do get ahead, even in the world of work.</p>

<p>ITA w/northstarmom. Why are kids letting him copy? Either the kids are spineless or he has lots of friends and he's not as big a loser as you say he is. Though the sexual harassment alone makes him a loser, I guess.</p>

There's this one kid who is so incredibly arrogant... he always uses people, leeches off their resources, makes rude sexual jokes to people's faces, puts people down for "being intellectually inferior"... and nobody likes the guy. Every time he'd leave the room, girls would just say the most hilariously awful things about him.


<p>Oh no, I've been outed!!!</p>

Brown "not open to new ideas"? What? Seems like a college for people who have unusual ideas to me. All that story proves is that admissions officers aren't omniscient.


<p>I think what was meant was that since Brown has no curriculum, you don't have to take courses outside of your comfort zone. If two intellectually uncurious people go to Brown and Columbia/UChicago, one will have his/her mind stretched in new and exciting ways, and the other will go to Brown.</p>

<p>please, like the op never in his/her life has copied a friend's hw.</p>

<p>i always copy homework =(</p>

<p>Ray192, I think your assumptions about Brown students are extremely ignorant. The open curriculum and the pass/fail option are not about laziness, they are about intellectual exploration. Unlike the core curriculum at schools like Columbia and UChicago, Brown's open curriculum allows students to explore their intellectual interests in their own way not how someone else dictates them to. Brown students are intellectually daring and curious and the pass/fail option (referred to as S/NC) allows students who don't want to risk their GPA's for intellectual curiosity the opportunity to do so. Most importantly, Brown gives you the opportunity to create your own academic path and so every class you take, you take because YOU want to be there.</p>

<p>In my own experience, I came to Brown wanting to do Bio (I'm a freshman). This semester I took chem, multivariable calc, an anthro seminar, and an english seminar. Next semester I am registered for orgo, cell bio, french, russian lit, and intro to gender studies. In the future I hope to take courses in Arabic, Sociology, French Lit, Applied Math, Public Health, and whatever else that interests me. So I'm just one example of how Brown students do not just stay in their comfort zones but in fact explore their interests. </p>

<p>But then again I must be wrong, you, a mere high school student who seems to know so much about Brown, possess the ability to characterize over 6,000 undergrads as lazy. This is exactly why I hate CC.</p>

<p>i know a kid like this at my HS, asian too, applied to 18 (most of which are in the top 20, i think) schools with the "shooting fish in a barrel" idea (apply to so many, someone's bound to accept you).</p>

<p>copies work in a physics class, plays the "me speakee no engrish" role on occasion, activity list for colleges is exaggerated, arrogant and rude to teachers, texts during class, etc.</p>

<p>i just live confidently hoping he won't go to the same college as me.</p>

<p>lol what does it matter if they're asian</p>

<p>Brown's open course policy can go both ways, clearly. It allows some lazy or lopsided kids to go on taking only courses in their fields of interests. For others it allows for intellectual exploration. To say one without mentioning the other would be inaccurate.</p>

<p>Hmm its asses like this dude who get ahead in the corporate world... this copying of homework is just the stepping stone to stealing credit, grabbing promotions and ultimately becoming CEO of Enron.
I think this guy is set for a successful life. To be an ******* and get into Brown requires TALENT.</p>

<p>Maybe Brown just wants diversity...haha. kidding.</p>