<p>Maverick </p>
<p>What are you gonna name your child? :D</p>
<p>Maverick </p>
<p>What are you gonna name your child? :D</p>
<p>… Ivy Louise…</p>
<p>Kay, so I’m going to adopt an Asian daughter and name her Holly. :)</p>
<p>Andurz I love that :D</p>
<p>Um…definitely Thomas for a boy…I’ve always liked that name.
For a girl? Hahaha idk why, but I really like the names Blair and Serena…so if I have two daughters I think I should name them that :D</p>
<p>@ csi = love, I know right? I have my entire life planned out. So, I’m going to adopt her, and raise her. When she’s sixteen, I’m going to make her get pregnant by her boyfriend and make her be on “16 and Pregnant” or “Teen Mom.” So then, we can both be on TV.
(I’m being legit, by the way, I tell my friends and family this.)</p>
<p>After reading over what I just typed out, I just realized how weird I sound. I never realized this before.</p>
<p>Edit: Now I see why my family wants to lock me in a psychiatric ward. Wow.</p>
<p>^ … @<a href="mailto:@">@</a>. </p>
<p>I’m going to name my son after me.</p>
<p>Or Artemis.</p>
<p>My daughter… I prefer Carmen, or Cassandra.</p>
<p>^Why would you name your son after a greek goddess?</p>
<p>I’m inspired by the Artemis Fowl Series. And I have a male friend named Artemis.</p>
<p>I’ll have to choose from Albus and Severus for a boy, but Bellatrix sounds awesome for a girl.</p>
<p>^ lol</p>
<p>girl: Ivanova, Brunnhilda, Elizaveta</p>
<p>boy: James</p>
<p>My clones will all have badass German names. Wolfgang, Johann, Wilhelm, and Franz. Also Christian, Jr.</p>
<p>Alternatively, they will have ultra-English names.</p>
<p>I made a word document a while ago to save my potential baby names lol</p>
<p>Boy: Nathaniel (Nate)</p>
<p>Girl: Scarlett, Bentley, Molly, Emmanuelle, Sarah, Parvati, Avery, Lillian, Naomi, Naobi, Elizabeth, Claire, Eve, Summer, Evangeline, Lily, Hayley, Laura, Leah, Lauren, Alexandra (Lexi, Alexa, Alexis), Justine, Alison, Addison</p>
<p>I can only think of one decent boy’s name</p>
<p>My first son will be named Frederico, and if I have others maybe Alp, Dev and/or Ot</p>
<p>I’m really surprised by how many people on here want unconventional names. As for me, my kids will all have pretty stock names. If my older siblings don’t name one of theirs Thomas, then I’ll have to do it to carry on tradition (there has been a Thomas alive in my family for over 400 years, and I’m currently carrying the torch). But that’s the only name picked out.</p>
<p>Boy names:
in all likelihood, a son would be named after his father, but in the event that that does not happen, my favorite boy names are paul, ian, james [but alas that’s my brother’s middle name], luke, jonah, noah, and isaac.</p>
<p>girl names:
first names: Ivy, Piper, Harper, Margaret [maggie], Katherine [kate], Eleanor [ellie], Indigo, Maeve, Reagan,
middle names: the middles name of my first [and possibly only] daughter must be Louise. It’s my grandmother’s middle name and it was her mother’s name [my great-grandmother died when my grandma was 17]. If I adopt another daughter, her middle name would probably be jane.</p>
<p>i think my first daughter’s name would be Ivy Louise. It rolls off the tongue, and the names are not particularly common, but they’re not weird either.</p>
<p>^ that Thomas thing is soooooooo cool!!! </p>
<p>I want “unconventional” names cuz I have an unconventional name myself, and i absolutely love it. I am so used to being the only person I know personally with my name, that I would hate to have a name 10 other people in my school have too.
I dont really like “invented” names, but I adore names from different origins.</p>
<p>i know a guy who has a similar thomas thing. actually there’s been someone with thomas as a first or middle name in his family for 400 years too… except they alternate the middle and first names, so there are never any juniors.</p>
<p>OMG lol. When I read that, I wondered if I was seeing things. Then-</p>
<p>You have a male friend named Artemis?? No way! I don’t even have a female friend named Artemis! lol I remember I had a huge crush on Artemis Fowl when I was twelve…definitely inspired by the series as well. :o Nothing wrong with that, though…</p>
<p>Boy: Elessar
Girl: After either my mother or my sister</p>