<p>Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston broke up! How can this be?!</p>
<p>Eh. Don't care much about Brad Pitt. Jennifer Aniston's been able to maintain her good looks. Somewhat.</p>
<p>Are you sure? They were a hot couple. That's so sad if it's true.</p>
<p>Life is over. there's nothing to live for if that couple can't keep it together.</p>
<p>so, so wrong, and i'm not even kidding, hehe :)</p>
<p>lol i was in such shock too! im so sad! they were so in love! i just dont understand, haha, if they cant make it what chance does any couple have in hollywood? or in any place, lol?</p>
<p>it was quite depressing, but they haven't said "divorce" yet, so maybe there's still a chance?</p>
<p>Their careers got in the way...is it official though?</p>
<p>they're "separated"</p>
<p>apparently because brad wanted kids and jennifer didn't</p>
<p>what a fool she is!</p>
<p>but their babies would have been SO beautiful... <em>sad</em></p>
<p>i cant believe jen did this to my brad. myyyyyyyyyyyyy brad. tear.</p>
<p>"but their babies would have been SO beautiful... <em>sad</em>"</p>
<p>thats exactly what i thought when i heard</p>
<p>wow this thread is SOO college related lol</p>
<p>yeah, it is. but the pton board has some offtopic stuff too, so...</p>
<p>oh, man, their babies...they would have been like...you wouldn't be able to look directly at them, you'd have to wear shades or something</p>
<p>but now those super-pretty babies will never be!! <em>super-sad</em></p>
<p>look on the bright side, though. separated brad = available brad = the better to dream about... =)</p>
<p>lol actually beautiful people don't necessarily have gorgeous babies...but yea most of the time...that would've just been a gorgeous family.</p>
<p>LOL personally, I'm not that surprised. I thought it was all for publicity, anyway.</p>
<p>But now Jen's free, hm? Don't mind if I take a little road trip to LA... Bwahahahaha. :D</p>
<p>i dont think jennifer aniston is that pretty, i mean shes prettier than most, but there are women out there prettir, on the other hand Brad is... WOW!</p>
<p>lol and the reason you say that is because you're a girl, of course!
I agree to an extent though; she's pretty in a very conventional way...not exceptionally unique or anything.</p>
<p>lol, i guess so, well now brad can is free to have better, lik e me for example... lol</p>
<p>He's what? 40?</p>
<p>so what, johnny depps like 41 and hes still hott, although id rather orlando bloom, thats only a 9 year age gap...</p>
<p>Johnny Depp is 41? Wow. I thought he was like in his early 30s or something.</p>