I'm incredibly lonely and not connecting with people



<p>Not exactly, but never mind; it’s cherry picking season! My turn, my turn! Look what I found!!</p>



<p>Yeah, nothing but a bunch of pathetic attention seekers. ;)</p>

<p>From the History of Mallet:</p>

<p>“For Homecoming 1996, the Assembly decided that the University’s theme “The South’s Timeless Traditions” could not go unspoofed. After collecting old warehouse pallets, chicken wire, and plenty of balled-up toilet paper, the Assembly created a breathtaking lawn decoration titled “The South’s Untimely Traditions.” Scenes such as George Wallace’s stand in the schoolhouse door, a Klan lynching, and an exploding church reminded students that the South’s traditions were more than just southern belles and football.”</p>

<p>[History</a> of Mallet | The Mallet Assembly](<a href=“The Mallet Assembly”>The Mallet Assembly)</p>

<p>You can twist my words, but I stand by what I said: staging a lynching at homecoming seems like a pathetic cry for attention.</p>

<p>This occurred in 1996. For a group that calls itself “progressive” this was a regressive act. 1996 must have been a slow year.</p>

<p>You can twist my words, but I stand by what I said: staging a lynching at homecoming seems like a pathetic cry for attention.</p>

<p>Attention-seeking? Yes. Pathetic? No.</p>

<p>They used an event that would be well-attended to remind students of the past that must never be repeated.</p>

<p>mom2collegekids, that’s your interpretation, but let me remind you what the articles says.</p>

<p>“…The South’s Timeless Traditions” could not go unspoofed.</p>

<p>Here’s the definition of “spoof”:</p>

<p>spoof (spf)

  1. Nonsense; tomfoolery.
  2. A hoax.
  3. A gentle satirical imitation; a light parody.
    tr.v. spoofed, spoof·ing, spoofs
  4. To deceive.
  5. To do a spoof of; satirize gently.</p>

<p>Is lynching really something that be should be the subject of light parody? I don’t think so.</p>

<p>You can spin in it any way you want, but again, I stand by what I said.</p>

<p>The bottom line is as ridiculous and offensive as this behavior was, this group has a right to free speech. Would I encourage my son to participate? The answer no. But to each his own.</p>



<p>Wonderful news on all fronts. And kudos to your daughter. Life cannot be lived well without courage and she has proven herself brave indeed, in more ways than one. RTR.</p>

<p>Azalea and Azalea’s mom,</p>

<p>I am happy that you/your daughter has received the support she was seeking by posting on this board and that she seems to be finding a place where she feels comfortable and can make friends. Feeling comfortable and being accepted is something all of us want and need. I recognize how difficult it could be for a student and for a student’s parent for a student to feel “so lonely and depressed.” Again, I’m happy that she received the support and guidance she needed from other posters.</p>

<p>I debated about responding to your post,</p>

<p>Azalea’s mom:</p>

<p>“this is azalea’s mom and i just want to thank everyone (even the person that reported my daughter as being inflammatory) for all your comments and guidance.”</p>

<p>not because I was attempting to hide anything, but because I wasn’t really sure if it would inflame the situation or whether I should take your comment at face value or as sarcasm. Either way, I am the one who reported the post your daughter made because it violated the terms of service by calling another poster an insulting name. You won’t find it quoted in my response, but here are some of the other exchanges. These exchanges didn’t violate the terms. I found it very ironic that the intolerance she was complaining about was mirrored by intolerance for the other poster in return.</p>


<p>“I’m a freshman living in RCS-North, and I’ve already had bad experiences with some people. I’ve lost several friends because they end up treating me badly when they find out that I’m liberal, I don’t really believe in God, and I don’t like the same music as they do.”</p>


<p>“It’s one thing to say that you feel like you aren’t fitting and another to say that a particular group treats you “like garbage”. That’s hardly complementary and frankly, painting with such a broad brush is offensive.”</p>

<p>It’s fine to disagree with another poster. It works both ways whenever we post. As posters on this board, we often disagree fervently. Any post that touches on religion, politics, or race is likely going to be met with a passionate response from someone with an opposing view…that’s what seemed to happen here. After a while, things tend to settle down.</p>

<p>There was no malicious intent against your daughter in my reporting the post. I shared my feelings in a previous post:</p>

<p>“What I’d like to say is this…I don’t think anyone has the right to apply a stereotype to any group of people here or to launch personal insults against anyone. This is a public forum with the primary purpose of providing guidance and insight about The University of Alabama…that’s it.”</p>

<p>I hope both you and your daughter continue to benefit from the discussion and support on this board and that she does find her peer group on campus.</p>

<p>If it is offensive and stereotyping to paint a picture of a particular group with a brush too broad, then it is also offensive and stereotyping to paint a picture of a particular group with a brush too narrow. Either approach is misleading and driven by an agenda when employed. </p>

<p>If we’re going to embrace a standard here, it cuts both ways.</p>

<p>Peace, everyone. :)</p>


<p>It is offensive to stereotype any group. It is also offensive to call another poster an idiot, rude, or to tell them to get off of a public forum even when you don’t agree with them. I have not launched a personal attack or attempted to stereotype anyone or any group here. My point is that respect goes both ways and a person shouldn’t expect others to give respect if they aren’t prepared to also give it in return. This is especially true when discussing sensitive subjects such as religion, politics, abortion, race, etc. Although most of us have read posts and wished the poster would go away (which may be the case with the post I am now writing), this is indeed a public forum and civility and mutual respect are called for here.</p>

<p>bamagirls, my remarks were not directed at you. They were intended for the community at large.</p>

<p>No worries. We’re all good, Malanai.</p>

<p>Malani said: "If it is offensive and stereotyping to paint a picture of a particular group with a brush too broad, then it is also offensive and stereotyping to paint a picture of a particular group with a brush too narrow. Either approach is misleading and driven by an agenda when employed. </p>

<p>If we’re going to embrace a standard here, it cuts both ways.</p>

<p>Peace, everyone."</p>

<p>I’m quoting from the organizations own website, not someone’s interpretation of events.</p>

<p>There’s a big distinction here.</p>

<p>Notice I didn’t say the Malleters were bad people or the they treated people poorly. I said that the act of staging a lynching during homecoming was a ridiculous and offensive act and that it appeared to be a pathetic cry for attention.</p>

<p>There’s a difference between attacking people personally and criticizing a documented act.</p>



<p>I know, my friend. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>All of this seems somewhat off topic and pointless and not at all constructive.</p>

<p>Agreed. I’ll end my participation in this thread with a recommendation of a 4.5* rated book on Amazon.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.amazon.com/How-Win-Friends-Influence-People/dp/0671027034[/url]”>http://www.amazon.com/How-Win-Friends-Influence-People/dp/0671027034&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Azalea, I kind of get where you’re coming from. I was afraid that I wouldn’t meet anyone I could really connect with and who shared my views at Bama. But I joined College Dems and AAA and have met some like minded, great people through those organizations. I know this thread is almost two weeks old, but if you’re still looking to meet some new, like minded people, you’re welcome to come to the meetings with me, or we could just get lunch sometime! :slight_smile: Feel free to PM me!</p>