I'm lost someone please read and respond this deals with majors

<p>Please don't read and leave i'd appreciate some sort of help.....</p>

<p>I'm having this internal conflict. I love the theater, the arts all together i'm good and would love to study it. I enjoy science and math and all those classes, mainly learning it, the logic behind it. Physics was my favorite course right next to biology and chemistry. I've always loved law, thought it to be very interesting and if anything I would love to study Law and criminal justice. I have this college plan. I didn't know how to choose between them all so i've formulated this plan in order to accommodate for everything.</p>

<p>I would enter college as an engineering or mathematics major. Reason being: engineering would prepare you for many science fields less theoretical more practical basis. That way i can work in the field more applying things while the theoretical comes later. That'll also prepare me for things in medicine. The math course would be heavily oriented around logic reasoning and problem solving, the actual math i want to learn to a point where its second nature like calculus and algebra and whatnot. That'll prepare me for law because what are you doing in law? Proving things.
I would minor in the arts; more theater digital arts/ fine arts, music. But i'd take enough courses prolonged throughout the year that it is treated as a major. During college i'd want to have jobs in these fields. I love theater and theres no way i would give it up. That'll be more like a class where i would be able to breath. Also improves the ability for public speaking and such. The art classes well engineers need to be savvy with the arts. Wouldn't they need to be able to put their designs on paper? If i studied the anatomy of the human body wouldn't i have some sort of knowledge of the human body.</p>

<p>Or recently my college plan has become theater/ arts major. Because well i love theater and the arts and i feel as if i should focus more on my talents and improving those in college wjhile in the meantime llooking for jobs in these fields, (the arts field is very huge: animators, film stuff, game design, just regular old painting, portraits, commisions, designers) while taking a slow climb through the logic base of math making sure thats set in stone (i'd minor in mathematics and engineering). Hopefully being able -after all is said and done- turn these courses into majors.</p>

<p>I want to do so many things. I would love to be the person that creates an efficient environmental car, change our dependency of oil to something else. Make advances in science and in medicine. save lives in medicine. Go through court and make changes. I love ideas. these things these things are phenomenal. I also love theater, art and music so much i love the satisfaction i get on stage. The art pieces that i can create and even the music. Most of all making people happy through these art forms. I just really want to do something. Something amazing and be amazing for others My mentality was if i can't choose between the things i love might as well go for them all and be the best........... I'm asking really some help on the choices i'm making. Should i enter college mathematics engineer major or theater major? (i'm a lil better at theater but i'd like to improve in math) I really just feel like i'll be cheating myself in something if i don't go theater. Are my endeavors even possible? What do you think? your opinions? try not to be too negative...</p>

<p>student, my head was spinning as I read your post. No wonder you are lost. You can’t so everything. The Ben Franklins and Leonardo daVincis are few and far between. You spoke of the theatre but you painted with a broad brush. What exactly would you like to do in the threatre and everything is not an answer. This is not to say that if you decide on a career in the theatre that at some point you won’t have to wear more than one hat. If you want to go into medicine, you will have to take biology and chemistry. If you major in theatre and minor in math, think about where that puts you. I don;t know the answer. Film stuff cover a lot of ground. Do you want to act or do you want to work for George Lucas? You have to answer these questions. You need to prioritize your desires by making up lists of pros and cons. You also have to decide if you are willing to starve for years if you go into the theatre. Rodney Dangerfield worked at his craft for 30 years before he became an overnight sensation. You have to decide what you are willing to do and what you are willing to do wthout.</p>

<p>Getting to your choice of majors, sure you can major in math or engineering and minor in theatre. Can you major in theatre and minor in math or take some engineering classes…sure. Narrow it down a bit and then you won’t be so lost.</p>

<p>I would declare as math or engineering (or undecided, if you can!!!), because at most schools it’s pretty easy to switch out of engineering and into arts, but harder to switch from arts to engineering. Then I would try not to worry and have faith it’ll sort itself out. If it’s junior year and you’re still just as confused, then you can think about it again. I know it’s scary not knowing what you want to do, but it’s really likely this will get cleared up for you at least a bit in the next few years.</p>

<p>Engineering classes might have some very real theater applications if you work in a program where a few people do everything. I, too, would recommend starting in engineering and using any electives for your arts classes. It is much more difficult to switch into engineering later. You might also want to explore something like applied mathematics where you take a minor in some area where math is used. Once you start college, you should be able to figure out fairly quickly what you do and do not enjoy.</p>

<p>I would say go with the engineering and enjoy all the theatre classes as your minor- you are right, they are places to breathe and relax away from the math. Your undergraduate major is a starting point for many things and the engineering can be a huge help if, as you seem, you are interested in the technical side of theatre. If the school you pick has a good active theatre dept. and allows non major involvement then you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get your feet wet. Consider it a good thing that you have talent in so many areas and can apply yourself to so many things, but to actually accomplish something in the here and now, focus on the math or engineering major and then see what’s what down the road. You don’t mention if finances are an issue but unless you have a full scholarship from a top school for theatre, the undergraduate expense of a theatre degree can be too much of a chance-especially in your situation where you are still formulating just how you want to put all your interests together. I believe in taking risks but you have to measure them out- and if you are getting good offers from schools (scholarships) for the other majors, you can still explore the theatre as a minor. I have some experience in this- my daughter got her undergrad in Classics and is now a working actress in a Rep. Theatre company- the undergrad degree has been a huge asset as you wear a lot of hats in the real working world of theatre. Best wishes!</p>