I'm majoring in economics and minoring in accounting. Is it worth it to get my minor?

<p>3 accounting classes are holding me back from graduating this following spring of 2013. I'm wondering, is it worth it to stay an extra semester and spend an additional ~$10,000 to get my accounting minor?
How can an accounting minor affect the chance of me getting a job as an economist if I'm going straight to grad school after I graduate??</p>

<p>ā€œIā€™m wondering, is it worth it to stay an extra semester and spend an additional ~$10,000 to get my accounting minor?ā€</p>

<p>Absolutely not. Not a bit.</p>

<p>The accounting minor will not matter at all if you are wanting to be an economist OR going into grad school. It is only worth doing if you are graduating at a university that does not have a true business program yet you want to be an accountant. You would basically major in Econ and minor in accounting.</p>