I'm not good at anything

So I’m about to be a junior in college, and I have switched my major more times than I could even tell you. I’ve explored everything and I don’t enjoy anything. I’ve taken COUNTLESS career aptitude tests and tested out so many majors I’m out of elective credits and at the point where I literally HAVE to decide on something and stick with it. The only thing I can truly say I’d love as a career is being a dance teacher, but I have very little experience in it and because of that am not that good, while my university does not require an audition for dance majors, I’m afraid it’s just too late for me to start a career as a dance teacher. So I guess the problem is, I’m not passionate about anything, and the one thing I am passionate about, I’m too late to pursue. I genuinely feel just stuck. I’ve explored every major I can think of that I might be even remotely interested in. I’m not a freshman anymore, I don’t have anymore time to play around with majors, starting next semester it will officially be too late to change. I just don’t know what to do and I feel hopeless and unhappy about my future career options.

There is something out there for you. What classes did you enjoy taking?

Plenty of people enjoy dance as a hobby, not a career.

Honestly, i don’t know why someone should be expected to find their passion by the junior year of college…I mean,what is wrong with the time-honored tradition of starting in a crappy job and then finding what you should really be doing? I"m kidding a bit but I think people are too hard on themselves…I’ll also say that it’s okay to major in one thing and then do something different as your career.

Things will work out…they will.

Honestly nothing. dance was the only thing I do enjoy.

Is there an area where you got better grades than others?

Well, are you absolutely sure that a dance major with and education focus is out of reach? It sounds like maybe you’ve talked yourself out of it because you’re afraid of failing. If dance is something you love, then I trust (and you should too) that you’ll be able to put in the necessary energy to make up for “lost time”… because you do still have time. It may be a hustle, but you’ll regret not pursuing a career as a dance teacher if that’s what you truly enjoy most!

A secret of adulthood that I’ve learned is that most people are not incredibly passionate about their careers. When I think of what some of my friends are doing - computer science for a bank, marketing for a healthcare company, legal assistant for a news organization, office administration for a religious center - none of them had a mid-college revelation that they REALLY wanted to get up every morning and do marketing for a healthcare company. I’d wager that most people simply sent out job applications and accepted wherever they could get an offer, in an environment that seemed okay with a decent salary. So I wouldn’t stress out about not finding that #1 thing, because whatever happens, you’ll make it work. However! If you are really interested in dance teaching, don’t assume it’s too late! An extra few semesters in order to be happy for the rest of your life can be 100% worth it. Talk to an adviser at your school about how you can make it happen.

I agree with all of the above comments.

In addition, when you think about dance as a career, there are additional options beyond performing or teaching. The field of dance has many other roles – event management, business management, personnel, fundraising, costuming, etc. If you love dance, I say: go for it. You will find some niche in the field that works for you.

I’m someone who has a career that was “wise” to choose supposedly but I don’t like what I do. Never have. I can attest that it’s really hard to excel in something that your heart just isn’t in. If you love dance, if that’s where your heart is, you’ll figure out a way to make it work somewhere in that field. Just keep heading in that direction and you’ll find a path.

best of luck to you.