<p>I want to attend Emory University as my first option if not there then Princeton , Univerity of Kentucky or University of Alambama . I would like to major in Psycology or Oncology & minor in Spanish . Does anyone know if these schools are good for that ? Or if I even have a chance at gettin in . </p>
<p>I'm in all honors & AP classes , I'm ranked 51 out of my class of 1058 , & my gpa is a 4.4 . ( class of 2013 )</p>
<p>There is a huge gap between Emory and Alabama + Kentucky why not apply to places in-between that.</p>
<p>Emory is okay for Psychology, but not great. It’s one of my reservations about applying there. </p>
<p>I have no clue about the other schools, sorry.</p>
<p>thanks , I think that actually might be a good choice . I just want to have back up options in case Emory is a no go . do you know any in between schools that would be good to apply to ?</p>
<p>well what is a school that you would recommend for psychology ? because I want a school where the teachers really know what they’re doing .</p>
<p>*I would like to major in Psycology or Oncology & minor in Spanish . *</p>
<p>I don’t think Oncology is an undergrad major.</p>
<p>What is your career goal? med school? Bama is fine for pre-med, other sciences, and for psychology. </p>
<p>What are your test scores? What is your budget?</p>
<p>my career goal is to go into some sort of medical field . I haven’t taken SAT or ACT’s yet so it’s kind of hard to tell where I stand . I think that after I get an undergrad that I want to start studying oncology but I’m nit quite sure yet . is that even a good field to go into ?</p>
<p>at this point I really don’t have a budget my number one school is $53,000 a year so anything around or under that is fine .</p>
<p>Stanford or Yale is probably tops for psych, but other good schools are UPenn, UMichigan, UCLA, Chicago, UCB, Harvard, and Columbia.</p>
<p>Just so you know … Oncology (or any medical field for that matter) works as follows:
You have 4 years of undergrad - you can study anything you like provided you take certain prerequisites for med school.
You have 4 years of med school, during which you do have mandatory rotations in certain basic areas (internal medicine, pediatrics, ob/gyn, psych, surgery are the ones that come to mind, though I might be a bit off).
Only after med school, during your residency, do you really immerse in a specialty (in your case oncology). You don’t major in oncology as an undergrad. Hope that helps.</p>
<p>If you are interested in a strong Psychology program, check out Furman University. They have one of the strongest programs in the country. My D chose that college primarily for the strength of their program. Good luck in your search!</p>