<p>Does it matter where you send your scores to?</p>
<p>I'm assuming you are a junior, so no, it does not matter. For you, it is probably not worth sending score reports because 1. you don't know every school you are applying to and 2. you will probably take more sats/satIIs, which will need to be sent out.
Honestly, there's no need to worry about score reports until you're a senior! The only people (who aren't seniors) that fill out that part of the registration, are those that have dreamt about going to school X since they were 3.</p>
<p>BTW, you can add schools after you register. I think you have about a week after you take the exam to make final changes.</p>
<p>so you can send your scores after you get your score report back, and not through college board? I just took jan 27 hoping for a good curve and to get it out of the way, so if I get the score I want and didn't choose to send my scores, when applications come around I can just send it myself?</p>
<p>You will ultimately have to send your scores through collegeboard, and it will cost money if you don't do it at the time (or if you go over the free limit...four, I think?). However, it is unwise to send any scores prior to the last SATs you take (if you plan on retaking, or taking any SAT IIs), because you would simply have to send out a new report, whereas if you sent out the report later, it would automatically contain all the scores you had accumulated up to that point.</p>