I'm so screw....

<p>I found out that I fail calculus class last semester. I'm a freshmen and this is my first semester. I need calculus because its my pre req, but somehow I just bomb the whole semester. I took full responsibility of my actions and next semester I better step up my game. Now I'm scared to death that I have no chance to go to a school of my dream, Berkeley (or UCLA). Is there a chance I could still get in? from community college.</p>

<p>Well if you repeat the class next term and pass it the first grade won’t affect your gpa, although it will still be visible on your transcript. It is not at all uncommon to screw up your first term, and really if you’re going to screw up that was the best term to do it. You’ll actually find you might be happier off that you failed it instead of just getting a C which can’t be repeated.</p>