i'm tired of this...



<p>I cannot detect any undercurrent of self-righteousness in this post.</p>

<p>It sounds as if Pink Elephant just needed to vent and I think s/he said (last line) anything written here would not change his/her mind. As people grow up and mature, they may learn that life is not fair. Adapting to circumstances and making the best of them comes with time and maturity. I think Cornell is a great school and I wish him/her well there. I wish I had had an ooportunity like Cornell but....</p>

<p>They had over 21,000 applicants for 1250 spots. Are you kidding me?</p>

<p>I just remembered!! Pinkelephant asked me for essay advice earlier this year. Anyway, this might have something to do with why he/she did not get admitted:</p>

<p>“No problem is insurmountable. With a little courage, teamwork and determination a person can overcome anything.” - Anon</p>

<p>One step out of bed and already I face it. It expects certain behavior and qualities. It attempts to bottle my dreams, and thwart deviance from the “norm.” I continually claw to loosen its grip, and refuse to raise a white flag.
It started work early. At one I was seen picking up wooden blocks and florescent rattles with my left hand. Immediately the right side dominant world saw a power tool hack off my arm, a three hour baseball glove search, and my sinister hand shake the devil‘s. Everyone decided to butt in, and typical solutions crept from everywhere: tie the hand behind my back, smack the knuckles with a ruler, or encourage change by placing objects in my right hand. No one could tolerate a right brained person when ninety percent use the left.
The battle of the hands raged from that point on. My scissors refuse to snip a linear line and graphite smears to my hand. Right side desks cause my complaints of slight back pain and discrimination, at which the physics teacher offers a forced smile. However, when August thirteenth arrives, I wave my left hand proudly, and thank everyone who accepts my difference.</p>


<p>Apparently its supposed to be about overcoming the struggles of being left-handed. Anyway, this could be a good reason for a letter of denial...</p>

<p>Maybe he/she should have written about his/her 7 generations of family who fought in all the wars.</p>

<p>I'm in complete agreement with pinkelephant. Our college admissions system has gotten to the sad point where first-generation Americans are on level playing ground with people such as pinkelephant, the descendant of many noble Americans who have fought and died for our country. It is pitiful that the nationality of our ancestors matters so little to today's colleges. Who cares if some candidates were more qualified? Princeton has been admitting hundreds of first or second-generation individuals while denying pinkelephant the admission that he so obviously deserves.</p>

<p>I, personally, am praying for your admission. It would be disgraceful if you were forced to attend Cornell University</p>

<p>No one is responding to my satirical post =(</p>

<p>I thought it was funny. You just posted your follow up before I could commend you :)</p>

<p>Cornell is great; good luck there.</p>

I got into Cornell for engineering. I am thrilled do not get me wrong and my family is thrilled also!


<p>Then shut up (no offense), stop whining, and be happy.</p>


<p>Gbh, you're hilarious :)</p>