<p>Im way too hyper right now, and I have nothing to do.</p>
<p>hey this is almost as bad as my hungry thread!!!</p>
<p>My friends think I'm too hyper. Because of this they tend to neglect other aspects of my life.</p>
<p>Like Tom Cruise on Oprah hyper or just hyper?</p>
<p>Its so annoying that I always want to fall asleep in school, but Im always ultra-hyper at 11 or 12 oclock at night. Its like my body just turns on at those late hours.</p>
<p>Right I am in a hyper swing. Like how some people have those weeks when they are just depressed? This is the exact opposite. For a couple of weeks, I've been extremely hyper with almost no sugar/caffeine. My mother says that I'm probably sick and have to go to the doctor. :)
It's weird though...I am usually a calm, serene person :)</p>
<p>^that reminded me of...hulk, for some weird reason</p>
<p>( i meant goldfish)</p>
<p>My friends all think Im serene and quiet, but they are SO wrong! Only my parents know the real me (and some CCers as well...) :D</p>
<p>You're weird. I'm always hyper, and I don't have sugar or caffeine. I'm against them.</p>
<p>lol want..D</p>
<p>I never drink coffee though (except on vacations).</p>
<p>I don't drink soda/coffee/or binge on carbs. I'm naturally hyper. In fact, my buddy icon from bada$$buddy is the bouncy one titled "hyper". I win.</p>
<p>I usually get annoyed by constantly hyper people though...:p It's like they never stop talking! So right now I am ashamed...haha</p>
<p>Dude, all of you hyper people. Go out and party.</p>
<p>of course, what else is there to do? :p</p>
<p>Partay!!! The Roof, The Roof, The Roof Is On Fireee~</p>
<p>You Think You're Hyper. When I Read This Thread I Started Jumping Around The Room And Laughing Hysterically!!!! The Hungry Thread Idea Was Funny Someone Should Do That Coollllllllll!</p>
<p>I used to think I was hyper, but I think i was just confusing it with being really high energy. Like hyper isn't a constant state, but I usually just have so much energy to burn that for me to be tired is rare. :D</p>
<p>What's up celebrian??? You just posted after me in two forums! Are you trying to have a contest?</p>
<p>I can just FEEL that all of you are hyper. :D</p>
<p>Ha..I'm still hyper.</p>
<p>I'm soooo hyper I refuse to be anything but the last poster on this board!</p>