<p>okay i've never done this before, but i'm assuming i just post my stats and people respond..... :O </p>
<p>*my schools: (didn't apply ED or EA) *
Rutgers (accepted - Pharmacy/Arts&Sciences)
Drew </p>
<p>*Other colleges-- *
Princeton (top choice - my brother goes here too!)
Cooper Union
Johns Hopkins </p>
<p>Oh, before I start listing stats - I'm Asian. And i'm a girl. :) </p>
<p>*Academic: *
School: Magnet School for Science and Engineering</p>
<p>Rank: We don't rank, but according to my school's new profile, highest QPA in our class (of 65 kids.. is mine!) Yay :)
Unweighted QPA: 96.94
Courses: My school doesn't offer AP classes sophomore year..
so, junior year- AP Biology, AP Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, AP Calc AB.
senior year - AP Physics Mech, AP Calc BC, AP Government, AP Literature
Awards-ish: National Merit Semifinalist, AP Scholar, Bloustein Scholar
Clubs: National Honors Society, Spanish Honors Society, Multicultural Club, Math League, Community Service Club, FBLA (everything besides NHS & SHS 9-12) </p>
<p>Standarized tests:
- AP Biology (5), AP Chemistry (4), AP Calc AB (5)
- SAT I: super scored - 2220 - CR: 730, M: 740, W: 750
- SAT II: Biology M - 780, Math II - 750, Chem - 650 (ugh life. but only harvard requires 3 SATII's so oh well.. :P)
- PSAT : 222 (isn't that cool? i have the same PSAT & SAT score .. kinda xD)</p>
<p>** Extra-curricular: **</p>
<p>Sports: Varsity Cross Country (9-11)
Summer camps: NJ Governor's School in the Sciences '09! , Greenwood Music Camp '08, American String Teacher's Chamber Music Institute '06-'07
Community service: Relay for Life Team Captain (9-12)- raise money for cancer patients every year / playing music for charity (9-12) - played for a fundraiser for the St Hubert's Animal Shelter, as well as many other organizations that ask me to help (also volunteered at my school's musical as the pianist)</p>
<p>Music: Okay. this is a HUGE part of my application - I sent in a CD + a recommendation letter + a resume. Sooooooo :)
Piano: Started when I was .. 5, stopped at 15 b/c of financial issues / problems with my family & divorced parents going all wack about sending me to lessons -.-
Classical Guitar: Started Freshmen year, stopped Sophomore year.
Violin: Started when I was 4, still playing now! =] --- won a whole bunch of competitions that I won't list, recipient of the Children's Foundation of the Arts scholarship, performed at Carnegie and Alice Tully Hall among other places, study under a prestigious violin teacher
- I go to the Manhattan School of Music Precollege Division EVERY Saturday for the past nine years and I'm the concertmistress of the Philharmonic Orchestra. I have straight A's in MSM for the past 9 years (sent colleges my transcript from there too) + I've done enormous amounts of repertoire which I won't list here. </p>
<p>** Other misc things I guess - **
Interviews: Wesleyan & Swarthmore - went reallllyyyyy well!
Essays: Apparently I write really good essays about myself.. :O So I'll go so far as to say that I really like them.
Teacher recs: I got 3 of them - They'll probably be pretty good x)
Family issues(?): I included a document in my supplement about this - my parents are divorced so that combined with the fact that I go to a school that is (driving time) 20 min away from my house & I need to take the bus to/from school - it makes it really hard for me to have leadership positions in school clubs b/c I would have no way of getting home if I stayed after for club meetings & all that. Same goes with sports - I would do more except I can't really b/c I'm always late for sports (my school has no sports so I need to go to the public high school to do them) and I never get to practice on time, etc. </p>
<p>I think I'll stop here (?) --- lolol, chance me I guess? hahah. Sorrryyy I'm new at thissss.</p>