I'm very nervous about starting college again. Will I give this up too?

Im 24 years old, it took me 4 and half years (for various reasons) to get my general studies degree (an associate’s) from georgia perimeter college at georgia state, but after that i applied to downtown campus for my economics major but got rejected due to low gpa. i tried kennesaw state, but always gave up for some reason. i tried a community college, but also gave up. i should note i have autism and Generalized anxiety disorder and ADHD. Yes, i do see a therapist. i also have traits of depression, which i also see a therapist for. i even tried coding bootcamps, two of them, but quit (in addition to a third which was free and nonprofit which i didn’t finish, namely freecodecamp). what ive figured out and what ive been told is that im good with computers and coding (and i agree with that, though im more into international affairs and politics, but i dont think i could make a career out of it, im just not that type of person). i also tried COMP TIA A+ courses on cybrary (and quit). ive bene working around the idea of going to western governors university, an online competency based education model college that is regionally accredited (highest level) that is at your own pace (ive heard of people completing master’s degrees in 2 weeks, though this is rare and is usually with prior knowledge and experience). i want to study software engineering. but im worried ill give up on this too. at this point im considering going on disability.

Do you have any work history? The reason I ask is that working a full-time job for awhile can help develop focus and commitment toward getting another degree.

After I got my first degree, I got a low-paying, entry-level job in an industry I thought I would like. I learned there were many parts I did NOT like. I got a better understanding of what I was good at and what kind of job conditions I preferred. I talked to others I met in the workplace and learned more about the other jobs that are out there.

After that, I changed my mind about what kind of job I would like and went back to school in a different area. I was a much more focused and disciplined student the second time because I had a solid goal and a career I was looking forward to — not doing it just because I was “supposed to” work.

I think you are more likely to complete a program if you are more certain in your own mind about what you want to do and what you definitely don’t want to do. One of the best ways to figure that out is through work experiences.


Google IT Certificates - Grow with Google ok

Look through all the courses here. Some are free at schools /community colleges. This is at your own pace but 3- 6 month courses. See if this makes sense to you. They are not badly priced and might be the type of thing to get you going.

Also, is your medication updated /regulated for the above… Sometimes being on the correct dose can do wonders.

Good Luck.

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This one as well Online Courses with Certificates - Grow with Google

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