Impact of dual enrollment community college courses on UC undergrad admissions

Does anyone know if the community college dual enrollment course grades are considered in UC gpa for undergrad admission? This is important to know since a college course with grade B and below will actually lower capped gpa.

Any input on this topic will be appreciated.


College courses taken while in high school are eligible for +1 honors points when calculating GPA for UC purposes, if they are transferable to UC (see ) or otherwise listed as an honors a-g course (see ).

yes, I know about the +1 honors point. My question is if they are considered in the denominator (total number of semesters)? If yes, then an extra semester with less than A grade will lower capped gpa. If yes, then its not worth the risk of taking the college course during high school.

Take the college course and earn an A in it.

Even A will lower the capped gpa. eg. 22 semesters all A with 8 honors points capped gpa = 4.36, with 23 semisters all A with 8 honors points capped gpa = 4.34


In short, students taking more than 4 honor classes (AP, Honors or College course) are penalized in the capped gpa.

UC admissions readers will see all of unweighted, weighted-capped, and weighted-uncapped GPAs, and will see your complete list of courses and grades, including college courses taken while in high school. Although UCs tend to be rather GPA sensitive, 0.02 on one of the three GPAs is trivial, and do you really think that an admissions reader will look favorably on someone who avoided an additional hard course for a 0.02 difference on one of the three GPAs?

0.02 difference is only for one additional AP, it adds up …

I agree it does not matter in the holistic review of the application, however UCs (except UCB) says they consider only capped gpa, so students with additional APs are disadvantaged.

I don’t exactly know how this all plays out and if its worth taking additional AP or community college course, hence this thread.

I am looking to decide if it’s worth taking additional APs / college courses. I don’t care about the credit at this time, want to do whatever would help get into UCLA or UCSD

Your GPA is well into the top range of UC applicants. In 2015, applicants with weighted-capped GPA >= 4.20 had 53% admission rate to UCLA and 88% admission rate to UCSD (see ). It is rather likely that your essays and other factors, and whether you choose a competitive major at each campus, will be more significant than 0.02 on the weighted-capped GPA. Especially if every grade you earn is an A, which clearly shows maximum possible achievement in the courses you took.

I wish I had all A’s :slight_smile: unfortunately that’s not the case and hence I am trying to find if taking college courses will help me improve my gpa and not reduce it instead.

Thank you for the link, the csu mentor says ‘A semester grade in a college course should be counted twice.’, so thats even a worst situation.